Daenerys IV / Jon IV

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A/N: whoops these chapter titles are getting quite repetitive. Someone request a new POV so I can switch it up.
A Clash of Dragons.

Daenerys' day was an ordinary one at best. She woke up, fed Jaehaerys, and then put him back in his cot under a watchful Malysa, before heading out to do some chores. She had bought food from one of the many friendly city folk, and visited a seamstress to make sure Jaehaerys had clothes for the future, as well as a dress for her, and then she headed back home. That was when one of her many sellsword guards told her about how Drogon behaved strangely last night, roaring a lot. So she decided she would visit him for the first time since giving birth a fortnight ago. She shouldn't have left her oldest child alone for so long. It was cruel of her.

So she was making her way up to Drogon's resting spot, which was just over one of the hills overlooking Meereen. It was a bit of a trek, so that people couldn't wander there easily and get roasted by a defensive dragon.

As she crested the hill, she smiled at the sleeping form of her enormous child. While his growth rate has slowed considerably, it was still ever present, and he would keep growing for his entire life, be it decades or centuries long. She hoped for the latter.

Drogon crooned and blinked an eye open when she was close enough. She lay a hand on his face scales, and he made the purring sound he always made when he was pleased. "Oh, my fearsome child. I'm sorry I hadn't been visiting as often." Drogon nosed her stomach, a question in his eyes. "I look different, do I? You have a brother now."

The black dragon brought his head back and shifted into a standing position. He stretched his wings, putting Daenerys in shadows for a moment with how massive his wingspan was. He huffed out a breath, and then seemed to look upwards.

Lēkia he communicated through their bond. Daenerys smiled, thinking he understood her common tongue.

"That's right, a lēkia," Daenerys repeated, but then Drogon grumbled. A moment later, she heard a trilling screech come from above. She recognized that screech. Turning her face to the sky, she couldn't believe her eyes.

There, flying down to them, was the great green dragon known as Rhaegal. Tears sprung to Daenerys' eyes, as she was overcome with happiness. How was this possible? She thought he was sunken beneath the waves next to Dragonstone, scorpion bolts lodged into his body.

He let out another screech, before landing and making the ground shake below them. Daenerys hurried to her long lost child, and went to pet him. But when her hand reached towards him, he withdrew, looking at her hand warily, a growl forming in his throat.

"What's wrong? Rhaegal, it's me," Daenerys told him, confused as to why he was defensive. "You didn't forget me, did you? Your mother?"

Rhaegal's eyes assessed her for a few moments, before he sniffed at her. He then crooned, pushing his snout against her outstretched hand. "That's it, my sweet child, you remember me? I missed you." She relished in the feeling of his scales beneath her palm, warm and full of life. "How did you manage to survive?" She didn't expect a response, seeing as he was a dragon.

"Saltwater heals dragons." Daenerys' heart thudded in her chest as she heard the gravelly voice speak from behind her. No. She turned around slowly, her voice dying in her throat. Her pulse quickened, and blood seemed to rush to her ears. Dread was all she felt, as she turned, knowing exactly who was behind her.

The moment her eyes met his form, his face, she couldn't feel anything. No. The blood rushing to her head became too much for her to handle, and her vision went black as she fainted.


She came to a few moments later, and Gods was she disoriented. She felt strong arms holding her, stroking her hair, and she could smell an earthy scent, one that was too familiar. She hummed, liking the scent greatly. When she opened her eyes, they blurred before focusing on a face that almost made her pass out once more.

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