Jon IX

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A/N: there is a somewhat big time skip later in this chapter. Also sorry kinda shorter than usual.

When Jon woke up the next day, he was not well rested. He was plagued all night with worry for Daenerys' mental state after the outburst she had the previous morning. Now she would barely look at him, and she never told him what happened to cause this shift.

And what was that about taking a knife in the back just to fool her? Was she insane? He would have to tread lightly around her. Already he missed the feeling of her soft lips.

What awoke Jon was the sudden loud wails of Jaehaerys, his son most likely hungry. Jon crossed the room and picked him up out of his cot, and held him to his chest comfortingly. Jaehaerys fisted his shirt in his hands and tried to find a nipple to latch onto. Jon chuckled lowly.

"You won't be finding any milk, unfortunately," Jon told him. Jaehaerys cried when he couldn't find sustenance. Jon pat his son's back lightly, trying to soothe him.

It was the price to pay for picking Jaehaerys' chambers to sleep in. But where else was Jon supposed to go? He had to be near Daenerys and his son, for they were the only ones he had.

The door to the chambers opened and he looked up to see Dany rubbing at her eyes.

"I could hear him from my chambers," she said tiredly. "What did you do to him?"

"Nothing," Jon swore defensively. "He's just upset that my breasts don't carry milk."

He lit up when Daenerys' lips quirked up into a smirk. "It would be great if they did."

One thing he noticed about Dany was that she was less closed off when she was tired. He was glad for it.

"Did you sleep well?" Jon asked her as she took Jaehaerys from his arms. She shrugged, moving to sit on the opposite side of the room.

"No complaints," she said. "You?"

"Not very well," he responded, hoping she would seem concerned by it. If she was, she didn't let it show while she watched Jae nurse. Jon grasped for any type of conversation. "When do you want to train?"

He wasn't excited about it. But he didn't want to know what the punishment was for denying a dragon.

"At noon, in the training room. Gendry has already given me Heartsbane. It's a bit larger than your Longclaw," Daenerys said flatly. Jon nodded, recalling Sam showing it to him once. The blade had a stunning hilt, representing the bow and arrow of the Tarly sigil.

"Noon it is, then," he said, collapsing onto his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Daenerys hadn't sent him away like before, which he counted as a win.


Noon came quick, and Jon was in the training room alone as he waited. He had spent the rest of his morning trying to sleep. His gaze fell to one of the walls, and his cheeks became heated as he remembered what had transpired there. It was a good memory, even though it may not happen again.

He should've known it wouldn't be that easy to win her back. On a few occasions, he did know, sort of. The times he would expect Dany to lash out at him and she didn't, he did feel like something was off.

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