Jon X

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A/N: Jaehaerys is 6 months/(6.5 moons) old. Just putting this here to remind myself for the future.
Question for the future, what do you guys want me to do with Sansa?


Two days after burning the master, Jon was awoken by the sound of Jaehaerys calling out from his cot. He was banging one of his newer toys on the wooden side, creating a thudding sound that Jon couldn't ignore.

Getting up, he stretched his limbs and walked over to Jaehaerys, seeing him sitting up and restless.

"You're awake, huh? Always at the crack of dawn," Jon observed. "Are you hungry?"

"Pa," Jaehaerys responded with a smile. Jon couldn't help but laugh.

"Pa's your response to everything now, huh? You don't truly know what it means," Jon pointed out, reaching in and hoisting him into his arms. He let out an exaggerated breath. "Gods, you're getting heavy!"

Jaehaerys balled his hands into Jon's sleep shirt, violet eyes peering into Jon's own curiously. One of his hands reached up and landed on Jon's cheek. Jon chuckled lightly, before pulling it off lightly.

"Let's go find your mother," Jon told him, though he knew she was just in her chambers. His heart fluttered as he thought of the last encounter he had with her in those chambers. The ghost of her kiss lingered for the rest of that night, but no longer.

He knocked on her chamber doors and then waited with a fussy Jaehaerys.

The door opened a few moments later and he was taken aback at the beauty that stood in front of him, with tired eyes and a sheer gown that he had trouble averting his eyes from. She brought a hand to rub at her eyes tiredly.

"This early again?" She yawned, obviously tired from a late night. The second one in a row. Jon saw that her hair was in knots, likely from restlessness.

"Pa," Jaehaerys reached his arms out towards Dany, causing her to chuckle.

"I'm not 'Pa'. I'm 'Ma'," she told him lightly, while taking him into her arms. Jaehaerys cooed and wrapped his arms around one of her's, putting his face in her shoulder. Daenerys let out a noise of surprise.

"Maybe he's not hungry, he just missed his mother," Jon murmurs, tears of happiness welling in his eyes at the beautiful picture in front of him. His son hugging his mother.

Daenerys hiccuped, overcome with her own happiness. She gave Jon a radiant smile that made his heart skip a beat. "I'm so happy we created this perfect angel. I'd be lost without him."

"As I'd be without you," Jon said, not really thinking about it. He was, for a time, north of the Wall.

Daenerys' eyes softened and her mouth opened to speak. That was when Jaehaerys decided it was time to eat, pulling at her shift. Daenerys closed her mouth and helped Jae reach his destination, before moving to sit on her bed. Jon followed, wanting to test the waters. She didn't seem to mind when his weight shifted the bed behind her. He wondered what changed, and if it would last.

"Someone's really hungry today," Dany murmured as Jaehaerys seemed to suck loudly. Jon's eyes fell to her hair again, feeling the urge to fix it. Giving in, he plunged his fingers into her soft tresses, searching for knots. Daenerys flinched when he found one. "What are you doing?"

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