Arya II / Jon XIII

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A/N: ok so I had writers block and I ran out of ideas so sorry for the delay. gimme ideas plz.

"Nymeria, to me," Arya ordered the grey direwolf who was sniffing too closely to Ned's stuffed toy. Her ears perked up before she came to sit next to her master. She ran her hand through her fur as she watched Gendry play with their son.

"Ny!" Ned called, upset that his fluffy friend had left him. Arya smiled, for Nymeria's name was the first word their son uttered. She supposed it was because of how often Nymeria was called for in his presence.

The she-wolf looked at Arya with sorrowful eyes. Arya sighed, scratching under Nymeria's chin. "Alright, fine. Just don't rip up his toy this time."

Nymeria gave a huff before returning to Ned, whose hands raised towards the wolf's lowered snout in a hugging motion. Arya chuckled as she licked Ned's hands before surrendering to the fated baby's hug.

"He's getting so strong," Arya noted, seeing how he was able to sit up without much support. Gendry had his hands hovering behind Ned's back.

"Takes after his mother then," Gendry said, flashing her a warm smile that she returned. Getting up from where she sat, she crouched next to where he was watching over little Ned. She took his hand, while her other hand ran through Ned's short brown curls as he bonded with Nymeria.

"Have you changed your mind yet?" Gendry questioned, his thumb running against hers. He was talking about the proposal he made many moons ago in Winterfell, and then again last moon.

Arya sighed, shaking her head. "We do not need to marry to live a happy life. Plus, Ned's already been legitimized, so there's no issue with bastards."

"And if we have more?" Gendry asked, turning his head to face her. Arya met his gaze without wavering from it.

"That would not be for a long time," Arya told him. "We'd have Sansa legitimize them as well."

"Sansa? Not the Targaryens?" Gendry pointed out her error.

Arya shrugged. "Or the Targaryens. I suppose they won't leave the North as independent once they rise back to power."

"You have a lot of faith in them," Gendry said. "So do I. The Queen is far kinder than the Seven Kingdoms make her out to be. And Jon, he'll do anything for her, without fail. He's got determination."

"And he's ruthless when he must be," Arya added quietly, thinking back to the master Jon had burned. The way the man begged.

She sighed, leaning her head against Gendry's shoulder. Ned, seeing his mother, gave her a bright smile that warmed her heart. She took him into her arms then, and he hugged her. These were the moments she lived for.

"Oh how he loves you," Gendry said warmly, wrapping an arm around her. Arya smiled.

"He loves you more," she pointed out. "Because you give him more attention."

Gendry sighed, but didn't refute her statement. Perhaps he was going to, but that was when the doors opened to the room and the sound of high pitched screeching filled their ears. Arya shot up from where she sat, excitement filling her chest.

She all but raced over to Jon after giving Ned to Gendry. Her gaze was locked on the creature clinging to the leather of his shoulder. "Is this the egg?"

Jon laughed, and Arya saw the amused look Daenerys shot him. "Well, what else could it be? Yes, this is the baby dragon, sister."

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