Jon V

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A/N: please someone give me ideas I'm runnin out. Well sorta

Jon couldn't sleep that night. He was thinking too much about Daenerys and what he would say to her. Should he tell her he loved her or not? Was that too much for her to believe?

Not only were these thoughts running through his head, but it was also hot. Too hot for him to stay still, for it got too sweaty. Oh how he missed the chill of the North in these moments.

You're a dragon, Jon, he reminded himself. He remembered Dany saying dragons can't be killed by fire or heat. That they were fire made flesh. Jon was severely doubting that at the moment. That, or he wasn't truly a dragon. Of course, he wasn't, he was a human being.

"Aargh," Jon groaned into the pillow. He was almost entirely naked, save for his smallclothes to preserve his decency. There was no other way to cool off, so he was left to suffer.

Getting an idea, Jon got off of the bed, and hurried to the balcony overlooking the Bay of Dragons. The moment he felt the cool night air hit his furnace-hot skin, he breathed a sigh of relief. He decided he would leave the doors open to the outside in order to get some cool air inside.

He locked his eyes on the silver sliver of the moon that was visible. In the back of his mind, he knew that Ghost was looking at the same moon, from where he was in the North. He missed his companion, already.

As he looked at the moon, he watched as it was suddenly covered and then uncovered as a large dragon flew in front of it. Jon knew it was Rhaegal, from the way he flew. A few moments later, he saw Drogon join Rhaegal and watched as they played. They nipped at eachother's tails, and chased each other around the skies.

Feeling a pull, Jon decided he couldn't sleep, and would go visit the dragons. Perhaps a late night flight around the city would help clear his mind.

With this in mind, he pulled on a pair of breeches and a light tunic. Then he went on his way

Upon reaching the dragons' sleeping spot, Rhaegal noticed him and quickly landed, a curious screech coming from him. He approached Jon, and Jon did what he usually did with Rhaegal when he was stressed. He leaned in and placed his forehead against Rhaegal's snout, and heaved a sigh. It was a showing of complete trust between the two of them. More so on Jon's behalf, for he could get his head bitten off at a moment's notice.

As he lay his head there for a few moments, he felt the bond between him and the dragon, strong as ever. Rhaegal crooned softly.

"You're still here," Jon was so immersed that he didn't hear her approaching footsteps. She sounded neutral, not as disappointed as Jon expected. Jon backed away from Rhaegal, and turned to her. She looked at him strangely. "Was I interrupting something?"

Jon shook his head. Why was she awake and out at this hour? "No, nothing. I couldn't fall asleep, so I came out here to cool down."

"As did I, but not because I was hot" Daenerys said quietly, betraying no emotion. "It seems Essos is not the place for you."

"Daenerys," He started, taking a step in her direction. Her eyes darted to his feet, uneasiness clear in them when they darted back to his face. "I want to apologize."

"You can apologize all you want," Daenerys snapped. "It doesn't change the fact. I won't forgive you."

"Let me explain myself," Jon pleaded. "Please, Dany."

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