Daenerys X / Jon XI

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Daenerys was awoken one day by the loud cries, almost screams of Jaehaerys through the walls of her chamber. Why wasn't Jon doing anything? Was something wrong with Jaehaerys?

Feeling her chest grow tight with anxiety, she quickly slipped out of bed, not bothering to throw on anything extra. Then she left her room, and approached the door in which the wails came from. She didn't hear Jon comforting him, though. Was he sleeping through the noise?

"Jon," she called, and opened the door. But when she looked to the bed, there was no one in it. It wasn't made, as per usual with the messy Jon Snow. Had he gotten up early?

Jaehaerys had quieted significantly the moment she entered. He looked to her and started crying out for her.

"Pa! Pa!"

Daenerys lifted him up and accepted the immediate hug from him. She frowned. "You miss your Papa, that's why you're freaking out, isn't it? You woke up lonely."

She pat his back lightly before he pulled away from her neck and began searching for food, which she gave him. She was still confused though, where was Jon?

Maybe he was visiting Rhaegal, she decided. She would check, it wouldn't hurt to take a ride on Drogon while there.

After Jaehaerys finished eating, she set him back down and gave him a toy to entertain him for the few moments he'd be alone. She'd send Malysa up to watch him.

Heading down the stairs, she actually bumped into the woman in question. "Hey Malysa, did Jon come through here recently?"

Malysa gave her a shake of her head. "No, Daenerys, I haven't seen him this morning. Did you check the dragons?"

"That's where I think he might be. Maybe he woke up early, couldn't sleep, and needed to clear his head," Daenerys pondered. "Can you watch Jaehaerys while I go out there?" Something in her chest made her feel like something was wrong.

"Of course, I was just about to check on him. He was crying so loudly, I thought something was wrong," Malysa said.

"His father was missing when he woke," Daenerys explained. "Thank you, Malysa." Then she continued on.

She was in such a hurry to figure out where he was she nearly forgot to bring a guard. So she headed back up a flight of stairs and knocked lightly on Arya's door. If she was asleep, she wouldn't hear her, and so Dany wouldn't feel bad for bothering her. But a moment later the door opened, and Arya was already dressed for the day.

"Early morning?" She asked Arya, who rolled her eyes.

"Ned woke up an hour ago, and I couldn't go back to sleep," Arya replied. "What do you need?"

"I want to see if Jon is with Rhaegal. Have you seen or heard him come by in the past hour?"

Once again, she was met with the shake of Arya's head. "Nope."

Dany took a deep breath, then sighed. She felt her anxiety grow. "Alright, I guess it doesn't hurt to check."

"Why are you so worried?" Arya questioned. "Did something happen between you two?"

"What?" Dany asked, her cheeks growing red. "No! Nothing, I just find it weird that he's gone so early." And she had grown more concerned for his well-being. He was quite reckless as of late. Daring, like how he kissed her neck the other day.

Her mind flitted back to the conversation they shared while he was braiding her hair. About her dragons, about how she hatched them. About where she got them, the Shadow Lands. The Shadow Lands.

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