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A/N: Here we go again

Jon was flying, the vibrant green grass of the Dothraki Sea passing quickly underneath the hulking form of the body he possessed. Except he didn't have control of his movements. He was in the mind of Rhaegal, similar to how he slipped into Ghost's. Should he leave? Wake himself up? Rhaegal let out a roar, a sense of disregard resonating into Jon's mind. Jon took that as permission to stay.

As the large green wings took the two of them further from Meereen, Jon felt a sense of foreboding ripple throughout Rhaegal's mind. What was going on? Did Rhaegal usually hunt so far from Meereen? Maybe he should head back? Jon tried to tell him to come back to Meereen, but was brushed off with a growl. Rhaegal seemed determined.

They crest over a hill, overlooking a grassy valley and that's when Jon sees what Rhaegal was searching for. As Rhaegal cranes his neck downwards to look closer, Jon can make out the banners of the marching force of men. A black raven with three eyes on a backdrop of white. Bran. Jon felt the rage build in his chest at this. Rhaegal responded with a roar of his own. The force wasn't too large, Jon guessed about five thousand men, most wielding swords, some being archers.

Urging Rhaegal to go down and burn them, Rhaegal screeched and began his descent, wings tucking in. But his wings flared out again as fear washed over the both of them at the sight of a weapon all too familiar to Rhaegal. He froze, with just his wings beating against the air as the scorpion pointed towards them.

Go, run! Jon urged Rhaegal, and not a second later the thing was fired. It aimed straight towards Rhaegal's face, and Jon was certain their target was the eye. In a quick response, Rhaegal beat his wings roughly, flying upwards just in time for the bolt to lodge into his wide barrel of a chest instead of his more sensitive areas. The last thing Jon was able to catch before their connection was severed was Rhaegal's cry of pain.

Jon shot up in his bed, accidentally jostling Daenerys awake at the same time. He groaned, pulling his hand to his chest, over his right breast. The pain was awful.

"Jon?" Dany asked, alarmed as she sat up. "Are you okay?" She placed her hand over his, moving it to the side as she tried to examine what was wrong. When she found nothing, she looked him in the eye, concern coloring her gaze. "What hurts?"

Jon shook his head quickly, shooting her a comforting look before morphing back into a panic. Rhaegal was hurt. "It's not me that's hurt. Rhaegal, I had a dream with him. He—"

"A dragon dream?" She concluded. "What happened?"

"Let me finish, I was telling you," Jon snapped, clearly agitated by the fact that he was in pain and Rhaegal could be being hunted down as they spoke. He felt guilty by the chastened look on his love's face. "Sorry. Rhaegal was shot, and an army is headed towards Meereen."

"What?" Dany shouted, fear filling her eyes. "Rhaegal, is he okay?"

"They shot him in the chest, but it was only the right side, so his heart is fine. I was kicked out of his mind the moment he was shot, though. I don't know what else they might be doing to him, but I'm sure I'll feel it," Jon told her, rubbing at his chest and for once cursing the fact that he had such a strong bond with the dragon.

"You feel his pain, I forgot," Daenerys breathed. Her eyes narrowed in anger. "We need to find him, and destroy the army. I won't allow them to get anywhere near Jaehaerys."

Jon gripped her hand in his own, eyes peering into hers with an intensity. "They're still a days trip away. We have time. But first we should find Rhaegal. I believe he escaped, the pain is subsiding. I bet he's found somewhere to rest and heal."

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