Sansa I / Daenerys VI / Jon VI

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A/N: Could've made Sansa evil so I could kill her... but I guess making her depressed is cool as well.

Up North, things were in complete disarray. They had finally run out of food, and winter didn't seem to be ending anytime soon. The only food they got was from the hunters, and they tended to find only the smallest game, like rabbits and such. If they were lucky, they would be able to find a deer. And even that barely fed more than a few mouths.

Sansa had begun to limit the amount of food given to her, in a last attempt to limit the amount of those dying to famine. She couldn't handle the amount of young children perishing. As a result, she began to thin out like the others. If she kept it up, she'd become skin and bones.

Perhaps she should've listened to Jon. No, she knew she should've. He had told her numerous times that the North was going to run out of food eventually, and it would be a smart idea to align themselves with the Reach. Yet here they were, independent and unable to contact her younger brother or the Reach. Starving. All because she was still just a stupid girl, the same one that loved Joffrey because all she wanted to be was Queen.

Are you happy now? Her inner voice asked her, as she looked down upon Winterfell from one of its many ramparts. No, she wasn't. Not really.

Not a single child was playing in the snow, like they used to. Instead, there were people huddling for warmth and curled up in pain from the hunger. Without food, a body had no way of warming itself up.

Across Winterfell, in one of the warmer chambers, her little sister was giving birth. Arya had sent her away, not wanting her present during it. They hadn't been on good terms lately, ever since they ran out of food.

Apparently Sansa should not have beheld the truth from Arya, about how they were running out. Arya had argued that she could've helped, and then went on to blame her for sending Jon away. And for breaking the oath she swore by telling Tyrion about Jon being Aegon. 

So now Sansa was stuck, brooding of all things as she watched over her people. Was this how Jon felt whenever she caught him brooding? Did he feel this helpless? It wasn't a great feeling.

She drummed her fingers on the stone, her crown feeling significantly more heavy upon her head. The metal felt cool from being in the chill. She'd been waiting outside for a good hour now, and was impatient for someone to tell her good news.

"My Queen," a voice spoke, and she turned around to see one of her men. Daryn Hornwood, son of Halys Hornwood, he was a deft fighter and she tended to keep him close. She only trusted a few to guard her, and he was one of them. Ever since Brienne swore to Bran.

"Yes, Ser Daryn? Is my sister alright?" She asked, quickly gathering herself.

"She's given birth to a healthy baby boy. She wants you to meet him," He answered.

Sansa can't remember the last time she moved so fast. She was quick to make it to Arya's chambers.

In the dark, dimly candlelit room, lay Arya, on top of bloody furs. Sansa could see the sheen of sweat on her sister's forehead, as well as, were those tears? Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

Sansa took a few steps closer, and then knelt at her bedside. Her sister has never looked so fragile. Sansa took her clammy hand.

"He's beautiful," Arya rasped out.

Sansa smiled. "Where is he?"

Her sister pointed to the other person in the room. "He has him."

Gendry Baratheon stood awkwardly when attention shifted to him. "M-My Queen, would you like to see him?"

Another small detail was the fact that Gendry left his seat as Lord of Storm's End to be with Arya. In his stead, he left Lord Arstan Selmy to take up his title. According to Gendry, he was much better at being Lord than a legitimized bastard such as himself.

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