Daenerys V

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A/N: sorry I late

A fortnight passed, and Daenerys kept her distance from Jon. The only time they were civil with each other were moments that involved Jaehaerys. Other than that, she refused to get too comfortable around him.

His words that day surprised her, though, for she thought he wanted her dead for so many moons. But it wasn't even his idea to kill her, but Tyrion's. The same man that tossed his Hand of the Queen pin down the steps of the Red Keep after she razed half of King's Landing to the ground. The one who conspired with Varys shortly before the eunuch's well deserved death.

She remembered how Jon looked at her that day, distaste clear in his gaze as she told Drogon to burn Varys where he stood. It had pained her, and was one of the many things she thought about while the bells rang. All she wanted was him to love her.

Then seeing Jon bond with their child, his natural ability of being a father, had surprised her. She never expected him to blow her mind that day, but then he did, being able to quiet down a crying child in just moments.

As it turned out, though, Jon was not as prepared as her when it came to other responsibilities involving Jae. A smile graced her lips as she thought of the other day.

They had been sitting in the living area, listening while Tormund told them a story about his time in the true north. The large man had grown on Daenerys, and she quite enjoyed his company. It gave her enjoyment having him around to crack jokes.

"Uhh," Jon had suddenly spoken, interrupting Tormund's tale about the wildling woman. "Jaehaerys smells."

"He smells," she repeated, confused. She took her son from his arms and investigated. She smelled it immediately. "He had to poop, that's all. Would you like to clean him up?"

Jon had shot her a look of complete reluctance. She rolled her eyes at his idiocy. "It's not that bad. You need to learn eventually. He's your son too."

Heaving a sigh of surrender, he let his shoulders slump as he got up. "Alright. Show me how."

Daenerys smirked. "I suppose you're not a natural at everything."

"Lady Catelyn would never let me near any baby of hers, so I never got to see the process." Jon had defended himself.

"Here, we'll lay him on this table," she said, while gently placing a wriggling Jaehaerys on the wooden table in the corner of the room. She saw Tormund's curious glance as he got up. "Now take off his soiled garment."

Jon's eyes widened and his nose scrunched up in disgust. Daenerys sighed. Men. "I'm waiting."

Jon took a deep breath and then quickly took care of their son's breeches. It seemed like he was holding his breath the whole time. Daenerys had huffed out an exasperated breath. Then she handed him a fresh replacement. Jon eyed it before moving to secure it around Jae's bum.

"Great job, Jon!" Tormund had chortled, slapping him on the back. "I never could've done that."

Daenerys didn't remember what was said next, but it didn't matter. What mattered right now, though, was Jaehaerys sleeping peacefully in her arms.

She looked at the wisps of black hair that were growing longer each day. She wondered if it would be curly like Jon's. If it would be as fun to comb her fingers through, something she missed doing with Jon's hair. Sometimes she would think about finding an excuse to do it, but she would then shy away from any notion, afraid of the repercussions.

Speaking of Jon, it seemed odd that he wasn't there with her yet. Usually he'd stop by around midday, and stay until dusk when Jaehaerys was set to sleep for the night. It was currently long past midday, and he hadn't shown up.

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