Davos II / Daenerys XIV

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A/N: Writers block is killer!! I'm sorry!! But anyways enjoy this plot chapter.

The unmistakable clang of metal against metal reached Davos' ears for the fourth time that morning. His eyes widened as he watched the smaller woman gain the upper hand, the dulled edge of her sword hitting the other, knocking it out of Jon's grip.

They were in the newly dubbed training yard, with Davos off to the side as the two monarchs fought. To his right, a little boy with raven hair pumped his fist into the air.

"Go Mama!"

Jon's eyes briefly shot over to Jaehaerys, before they steeled over and he recovered the sword with a surprising display of agility that made Davos' knees hurt just watching. From there, the fight continued as Jon met a second slash with a parry, before making room between the two.

"Impressive," he told Daenerys, circling around the silver haired queen. The queen simply smiled, too focused on the fight to respond.

"Knock him on his arse!" Arya shouted from where she sat to the left of Davos, her own son in her lap and the giant wolf at her feet.

"Mind your language," Davos told her. "There's children around." He peered at Jaehaerys, who seemed too entranced in his parents to have registered Arya's crudeness. Ned, on the other hand, giggled in his mother's arms.

"Lighten up, old man," Arya teased, throwing him a grin. He huffed, knowing it was pointless to argue with the young. He turned his attention back to the duel.

The two engaged again, and in a series of parries and jabs, Daenerys was able to smack Jon on the back of his knees, making them buckle. Arya let out a whoop, before getting to her feet, setting down Ned next to Nymeria. She raced over to them.

"Great job, Daenerys! I've never seen my brother fall before to anyone other than me," she said, laughing at the defeated look on Jon's face.

"You've bested me," he groaned, accepting the hand Daenerys offered as she pulled him to his feet. "Perhaps I'm not as good as I used to be."

"Oh, you better be," Daenerys responded quickly. "We need you at your best when we take back Westeros."

This got Davos' attention. Were they finally planing on going back? He's been in Meereen for half a year already, and while he enjoyed spending time with little Jaehaerys and Ned, he did worry about what he left in Westeros. Things were in a sorry state with Bran the Broken's policies. They likely grew worse.

"I'll help you get back in shape, brother," Arya offered. "Unless you think you're just in denial that Daenerys is a good enough fighter to take you down?"

Jon shook his head. "She is good, I don't deny that." He smiled at Daenerys, who smiled back. "Though it wouldn't hurt to get extra practice. You need to be ready too, don't you?"

"I'm helping you take back Westeros?" Arya questioned, sounding a bit surprised. "I thought you wouldn't need me."

"Of course I need you, sister," Jon spoke. "You're the greatest assassin there is, aren't you?" He got a smile out of Arya.

"You know it. Then I guess we better start practicing now!" She unsheathed the weapon on her hip, a skinny little thing, and brandished it at her brother. Jon looked at her warily. "What? You want to use practice swords?"

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