Sansa II / Arya III

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A/N: Alright, Sansa fans better step out for this one, cuz it's all gonna be focusing around her. A mere 3000 words this time around.

Moments before

Sansa had been bathing when the unmistakable roar of a dragon shook the very chambers she was in. Her heart nearly leapt out of her chest, her body jolting out of the warm water, before she was being pulled out by one of her handmaidens as one of her Queensguard burst into the room.

"My Queen," he announced quickly, averting his eyes as a cloak was put around her, covering her up. Not that she cared much for it. "A dragon has been spotted circling the castle. We fear we might be under attack. You need to get to safety."

Was it the foreign queen that rose from the dead? Fear gripped at Sansa's heart as she realized the danger she was in. But she wouldn't let it show. What kind of Queen would she be if she hid? "No, first I'm going to get dressed, then you're going to take me out there to my people."

"But, my Queen," they insisted, but quieted when she raised her hand up. A no nonsense gesture. "Alright."

Her handmaiden, a girl from Winter town with pale blond hair, quickly got her dressed into a gown reminiscent of her coronation dress, minus a few details. Sansa ran a hand through her hair, appreciative of her handmaiden for doing such a fine job perfecting it while she bathed. She loved looking like a Queen, it was something she dreamt of since she was but a little girl.

Another roar resonated from outside, before the entire castle shook underneath their feet. In the corner of the room, a candle fell over, thankfully unlit. With a huff, Sansa headed to the window and took a look at the situation.

She held back a gasp with her hand pressed to her mouth as she watched a man that looked like her cousin be lowered to the ground by a dragon she wasn't expecting to see. She had thought it would be the black one. Still, the size of it was daunting, and a moment later she couldn't hold back her gasp as a second passenger was revealed, her dark hair and short stature unmistakable.

It seems Arya found her family, Sansa thought spitefully. Why she wasn't prioritized over Jon, she didn't know. She was pulled back to what was happening when she heard shouting. From her place at the window, she could see a man race towards Jon with his sword raised, and then could see the point of Jon's sword coming out of his back moments later, covered in bright red blood. How dare he kill one of her men? She'd seen enough. Pulling back, she gripped the arm of her loyal Queensguard.

"Let's go greet my brother," Sansa ordered, icily. They nodded, and she was brought out of the room to be joined by the guard who stood at the door. She walked with anger brewing inside of her to the outside. Her gaze locked with Jon's momentarily before she hardened it and walked elegantly down to meet him. She briefly registered Ser Daryn's presence, before flirting her gaze to Jon again. Who didn't look like Jon at all, wearing black and red from head to toe. Even his hair looked shorter, likely from his time in Essos. Where was his foreign Queen? Straightening up, she decided it was time to speak.

"Aegon." She decided it would be alright to jab his heritage at him, seeing as he brought a dragon to her castle. Mustering up as much fake kindness into her voice, she continued. "Welcome to the North." If things went well, it would be a short welcome.


Arya could tell her sister was internally seething, by the way she held herself, and the way she spoke overly cheerfully. Sansa was not happy to see them at all. The downwards turn of her lips was indication enough.

She had changed since the last time Arya saw her, and certainly not for the better. She seemed to be well fed now, and Arya wondered why that was, seeing as many in the crowd seemed underfed, with sunken faces. Perhaps she stopped caring about her people in the time Arya was gone?

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