Jon XV / Daenerys XIII

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A/N: Who knew smut was a good way to end writers block. I think I've been reading too much smut, and that's why this came out so much better than the first. Mostly a Jonerys chapter at first.

Jon woke up with a flutter in his chest. Today was the day. He looked down to see the sleeping angel on his chest. His lover, the mother of his child, and if things went to plan today, she would soon be his wife. The thought made Jon's heart squeeze with love for the wonderful being who shared his bed.

A golden stream of light filtered through the high window onto the bed where they lay. It was a beautiful day, perfect for what Jon had planned. He wanted it to be special. For she was very special to him, and others.

"Mmm," she hummed when he brought his hand to caress her hair. He forgot how light a sleeper she was. He watched as her eyes squinted open and met his. "Good morning," she rasped.

Jon's eyes traced over her lips, a smile pulling at the corner of his mouth as he took her in. Her hair strewn about, a love bite forming on her shoulder from the night before. He wanted to give her more. Moving his hands to her back, he quickly flipped them over so she was under him. From there, he captured her lips in an open mouthed kiss.

"Oh?" Dany hummed into his mouth, before his lips slanted over hers. He teased her lips momentarily with his tongue before pulling away, and moving his attention to her cheeks, then down to her neck. "My love, what's gotten into you?"

"Shh," he hushed her, sucking on the skin of her collarbone before venturing further down. His eyes fell upon the scar, and he brought his lips to trace it, before kissing it lightly and reverently. Daenerys shuddered under his touch, and he pulled away. "I love you," he whispered, before moving his lips to her nipple, his hand at her hip dragging up the side of her body to cup her other breast, pulling and squeezing at her nipple while his tongue lavished the other.

"Gods, I love you, Jon," she breathed out, hands digging into his curls. She tugged on them when Jon's teeth bit her lightly, causing him to grunt before slithering back up to kiss her again. With his lips still on hers, his right hand slipped down below, to her wet heat. It didn't take long before she was moaning into his kiss, his fingers deftly working on her most sensitive spot. When her hands reached down to grab at his length, Jon withdrew his now coated fingers to push her away. His dark eyes met hers, her violet eyes blown with lust.

"Let me take care of you," Jon spoke huskily, giving her one more sweet kiss before moving back down her body. Her aroma filled his nose, and he felt himself harden at how aroused she was just by him kissing her breasts.

He used his hands to spread her legs apart, bringing them over his shoulders. He looked up, meeting her gaze, and smirked at how quickly her chest was heaving. Without breaking eye contact, he dipped his tongue to trace her folds, getting a taste of her sweet essence. Her eyes shut tightly and she let out a soft moan. Jon shifted his eyes back down, and paid more attention to his current task. He kissed her nub, then sucked at it lightly, drawing out more moans from Daenerys. He brought a finger up to join in giving her pleasure, using her wetness to make it slick enough to push inside of her wet heat comfortably. She gasped, bucking her hips against his mouth. "Jon!"

He hummed against her folds, using the vibration of his lips to give her even more pleasure. His finger pumped inside of her, and he joined it with a second, and Daenerys was soon lifting her hips off the bed as she took her pleasure. "Ñuha zaldrīzes."

With a few more flicks of his tongue and pumps of his fingers, she was crying out, fisting the furs of the bed as she reached her peak. "Fuck, Jon!" Jon loved when she cursed. It was something she reserved for moments like these.

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