Daenerys IX

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A/N: takes place right after last chapter. Also lots of people are starting to read this story so the pressure is ON.

"I'll do it."

Daenerys looked at Jon with short, bated breaths. She couldn't believe her ears. Did he really just volunteer to burn a man to death? And for her? The honorable Jon Snow? Could he be turning into the fearless Aegon Targaryen?

While she believed he was letting go of his Stark beginnings, she didn't truly believe he was fully grasping his Targaryen roots. There had been times previously where he balked at it. Not wanting to accept that there was a chance of madness for him, that even his coin may still be spinning. Though, Daenerys thought, perhaps death took the coin away, and they both met death.

"You'll do it?" Daario asked with the usual sneer. "After you killed your queen for burning a city?"

"I'll burn you if you don't stop talking," Jon said, venom laced in his words. The dragon was slipping out.

"He was right to do it," Daenerys said, feeling it in her heart that it was true, despite how unforgivable killing her was. She felt the familiar twinge of unease. "I killed innocents, thousands of them."

Daario gaped at her. "You- you agree with him killing you?"

"I don't agree that he should've killed me, no. Especially after I begged him to rule with me," She shot a hard look at Jon, who had shifted uncomfortably, a now napping Jaehaerys in his arms. "But his reasons were true. I was as mad as my father."

"Why talk about this?" Jon asked stiffly. "I said I'll do it. I will. I have no qualms about burning evil Ghiscari masters. It won't take long, only a few hours at most. Rhaegal and I can go now, if it pleases you, Your Grace."

Your Grace. It's been awhile since he had called her that. Daenerys shook her head. "I want to come with you. That way they know that Daenerys Targaryen lives, and won't stand for the injustice being done." Plus, she really wanted to see Jon be a dragon.

"Is that wise?" Jon questioned. "Word will spread even further about your resurrection."

She felt a bit touched that he worried about her. But she still felt wary that it was fake. Only a little, compared to moons ago when she feared being in the same room as him.

"My greatest enemies already know I'm alive. Assassins are being sent to kill me, all of whom are being taken care of by either the guards or Arya. I'm sure I'll be fine."

Jon took a deep breath, before sighing. "Alright. But Arya will need to come with us. I want her to keep a close eye on you, for this will be a place with possible new enemies. Masters who plan on breaking the rules that haven't been captured yet, for one."

Daenerys thought she could handle herself, the almost daily sword lessons paying off. What was an angry master against Heartsbane? While the sword wasn't exactly the extension of her arm Jon told her it would one day be, she knew how to kill a man. And how to give Jon a few nasty cuts, as it turned out.

"I'm sure Arya will be excited to ride a dragon," Daenerys commented. Though to see her brother burn a man alive? Daenerys had seen the look on her face whenever Jon wore his Targaryen colors of did something particularly violent. Disappointment seemed to color her gaze. One day Daenerys will ask her why.

"We should tell Malysa," Jon recommended, and planted his gaze on the peaceful babe in his arms. "Someone will need to look after both of the babes for if they get hungry. Jaehaerys especially, since Ned has Gendry."

"I'll tell her right away," Daenerys confirmed, then looked to Daario who had a spiteful look. "Thank you for letting us know. You may return to your duties."

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