Davos I

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A/N: I'm a bit proud of this chapter.

Davos didn't know how he ended up here. Well, he knew, he was just embarrassed to admit his mistakes. He should've known a bounty would be placed on his head. He just never expected it to follow him to Essos.

He should've.

The Three Eyed Raven's army happened upon him at night, when he was least expecting it. He was rudely woken up by the shoving of a boot, before his identity was revealed by his lack of fingertips on his right hand. Then the bag was shoved over his head for the first time. The second time being now, two days of marching later.

Davos had only briefly seen the dragon descend from the clouds, before the sack was roughly pulled over him, obscuring his vision. But the sounds of the dragon's roar, and the sound of men screaming told him what was going on. And of course, there was the unmistakable voice of a woman shouting 'dracarys' moments before said screaming began.

Daenerys Targaryen, the forsaken Queen, was back, and she was obviously taking no chances with the army.

"Go, move!" A man shouted in his covered ear. Davos was glad it was so muffled, lest he go deaf earlier than planned, at a riper age. "King Bran wants him back alive!" That was a comfort, however small.

He was shoved blindly, away from where the screams grew loudest. He could feel the heat of the flames on his bare arms, made worse by the sun that beat down on them. Gods, he thought, as he forced his old bones to move, propel him away from the yelling. He felt his captors pull him forward, and nearly fell to his knees.

"Move, old sack of shit!" They spat, and another roar sounded, sounding farther away. Had his feet taken him so far already? Shouldn't he be running back to the one sided battle? These men were taking him to a certain death by public execution. At least he had a chance, however slim, of surviving Drogon's blasts. It was during this thought, that the screaming stopped, and he felt the ground shake. His captors paused momentarily before shoving him again.

He heard Queen Daenerys' voice, strong as ever. "I grant those of you who remain mercy! Go back to Westeros, back to your broken king! Tell him what happened here, of the screams of your comrades. Tell him that's what's coming for him, and for any army he sends this way!"

Davos felt a smile play at his lips, concealed to others by the sack. A just ruler, she was, as he always thought she was. Now, just where was the previously mentioned honorable man that he expected to see, or in his current predicament, hear?

"Shit! It's back!" One of the men cursed, and Davos felt a gust of wind followed by another shaking of the ground. He was pushed to his knees. Was that the Queen? Coming to burn them or would she save him? And after taking off his sack, would she feed him to her dragon for serving Bran? Davos' questions were answered a moment later.

"Unhand him," The strong voice commanded, Northern accent unmistakable. Jon. "Or I'll make you unhand him." Davos' eyebrows rose at the threat coming from his King's mouth.

"No, he's a traitor!" His captor shouted back. There was silence for a few moments, followed by the crunch of boots on dirt. "Shit! I don't have a weapon! Don't–" The sound of steel ringing in the air was followed by the screaming of his captor, similar to how Davos screamed when Stannis severed his fingers.

"Go, before I kill you both." Davos heard the men run away, along with the growling of a dragon. Davos kept his head bowed as he waited for his sack to be taken off. It wasn't, for some time.

"Are you going to take the sack off my head anytime soon?" He asked, sarcastically. As was his way during tense situations.

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