Jon VII / Daenerys VII

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A/N: necklace above, just imagine it with the rubies and like 10x better lookin. Also the chain would be much thinner.
Warning: small mention of suicide

When he woke up, he was in an unfamiliar bed. It wasn't the one in Daenerys' abode, and it certainly wasn't the one in the inn. This bed was far too comfortable.

He felt a warm pressure on his hand, and when he blearily blinked his eyes open, he saw that Daenerys was sat at his bedside. He squeezed her hand with his own, signaling to her that he was awake.

She quickly took her hand away, a blush warming her cheeks. "You're awake again. You probably don't remember waking up before, for you were dosed with milk of the poppy and probably delirious from the pain. The wound was deep, it almost hit your lung. You could've died, Jon."

Jon reached for her hand again, and she relented, letting her smooth skin slide across his calloused palm. "It would've been worth it. You're far too important."

Daenerys was silent, her fingers twitching slightly in his grasp. He caught her as her eyes scanned his bare chest briefly. Likely examining his old scars, the one above his heart especially.

Jon broke the silence. He looked around the chambers they were in. "Where are we, exactly? I don't recognize it."

"My chambers. The one in the Great Pyramid."

"The Great—"

"It's a long story. But the people of Meereen know their Queen is back. Soon, the whole world will as well. But you're okay, and that's all that matters," Daenerys explained.

"And Jaehaerys? Is he safe?" Jon asked. There were likely more assassins out there. More skilled ones, most likely.

"He's in the next room. There are guards in front of his door, as well as mine," Daenerys responded.

Jon didn't need to wonder where the guards came from. She had previously mentioned that they were guarding a friend of hers, Daario Naharis, who was ruling in her stead. But not anymore, and so the guards must've flocked to her once they realized she was alive.

"Bran must've found out somehow. I thought he couldn't reach out this far with his abilities," Jon grumbled. "I'm going to kill him."

"We will. One day," Daenerys swore. "But not now. Jaehaerys is too young, and I can't leave him here."

Jon nodded. "In a few years, then. We'll rain down upon them with fire and blood." He felt a shiver when he spoke the words of his house.

Looking at Daenerys, the words seemed to affect her in a similar way. Her grip on his hand tightened. The atmosphere around them felt a bit tense now.

Jon swallowed a lump in his throat. "So what happened after I passed out?"

Daenerys ran her thumb across his knuckles absently. "Well I did what you told me to, I stopped the bleeding. Tore off your already ruined shirt and pressed it into the wound while someone went and got a healer."

He had liked that red shirt.

He reluctantly took his hand from hers, immediately missing the contact. Feeling beneath the furs, he realized he was still wearing the same leathers. Poking a finger into his pocket, he felt the silver chain of the necklace. Good, it was still there.

"I uhh.." he swallowed down any nerves. "I got you something while we were out." He slid the pendant out of his pocket, holding it securely in his hand. "I wasn't sure when the right time to give it to you was, but now seems good enough." He pulled his hand out from under the furs, and opened his palm. "Here."

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