Daenerys I

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Confusion. That was the first thing she felt when she came back. Grogginess followed, and then fear. Her eyes opened to see ten people in red robes standing around her. She was cold, and laying down on the marble surface wasn't helping. She began to sit up.

"Woah, there," a hand stopped her from sitting up too quickly. Dany flinched at the contact. "You'll reopen your wound if you're not careful."

Wound? What wound? She felt a pinch in her chest and brought a hand to her heart. The skin there was jagged, and as she looked down she saw that a gnarly scar was right where her heart is. How...

She tried to remember what happened, but her head stung at the effort. She put her hands to her head, gritting her teeth in pain. What is going on?

"Take it easy, my Queen. Coming back from the dead is not easy, it takes quite the toll on you. Your memories will take awhile to come back, and some of them you may never remember," a woman with brown hair and green eyes explained. The phrase 'my Queen' meant something to her.

You are my Queen. Now, and always.

She remembered the words her love said to her. Jon, his name was. Jon. Where was he? Then Daenerys realized what the woman had just said.

"Coming back from the dead? I was dead," she whispered.

"Until your dragon brought you here. We brought you back, along with the babe."

Daenerys' heart jumped painfully. "Babe? I'm sorry, who are you?"

"My name is Kinvara, your Grace. We are in the Red Temple of R'hllor. You were pregnant when you died, do you remember that?" Kinvara said.

Dany shook her head, she had never known that. "Not at all. This is news." Jon's baby. She was pregnant with Jon's baby. A pang of sadness befell her though, as she realized she was far away from Jon. Every time she thought of Jon her head seemed to hurt, though. Like it was trying to remind her of something she couldn't remember right away. She rubbed at her scar again. It was on her heart.

The gears were whirring in her head as she finished the memory from before. Right after Jon said she was his queen, he had kissed her. It was a perfect kiss, too. The first one that felt like he was pouring his love into, ever since the truth came to light about his heritage. Then came the stabbing through the heart.

He killed her.

Daenerys gasped out in pain as she made the realization. Her hands flew to her chest as her heart began to race. Jon. How could he do that to her? Why would he betray her like that? She barely felt Kinvara's hand on her shoulder or her soothing words. All she could feel was the point of Jon's blade slicing into her heart. It was worse than any pain she remembered. She choked, and some blood came flying out onto the marble floor. It made her panic, fearing that her baby was hurt. Her hand crept down to her stomach, feeling for the swell of her womb.

"There, there. Expel it. That's old blood that was trapped in your body from when you were killed," Kinvara spoke. "I take it you're remembering."

"He killed me. Murdered me," Dany growled. "I loved him, sacrificed my dragons and my army for him! And this is how he thanks me?"

"Do you remember the rest yet? What happened at King's Landing?" Kinvara questioned her, changing the subject before Daenerys could get too stressed.

Dany searched and searched, as her heart stopped racing. Yet nothing came to her. All she could remember from King's Landing was her speech to her army, and Jon's betrayal. Everything before that was gone. "Nothing."

"You went mad, Daenerys Stormborn," Kinvara revealed to her. "The city surrendered, yet you kept burning innocents."

"No, no, I couldn't have. I would never," Daenerys whispered, becoming upset once more. "My greatest purpose is to protect the weak, not kill them."

"Indeed, but you were overcome with grief. Jorah's death, followed by Rhaegal's death. Missandei's death hit you especially hard. That was what caused you to lose your mind," Kinvara said.

She was right. Missandei's death did cloud her judgement. She recalled her coldness during Varys' execution. How she didn't even blink once one of her trusted advisors went up in the flames of Drogon. How she even expected him to betray her.

"Wh-Where's Drogon? Is he alright?"

Kinvara gave her a smile. "Your great protector is right outside the temple, keeping guard. Would you like to go see him?"

Daenerys nodded mutely, and allowed Kinvara and another servant of R'hllor to help her to her feet. She felt a little too exposed, though, her scar showing. "May I have a cloak?"

The servants were quick to give her a red cloak, even wrapping it around her. Daenerys smiles thankfully, then brought up the hood to cover her hair. People can't know she's alive.

"You don't have to worry about the Three Eyed Raven seeing you," Kinvara told her as they carefully walked Dany outside. "I've made it so you aren't able to be watched. You and your child."

Daenerys hadn't thought of that. She had forgotten about Jon's all seeing cousin. "Good, thank you."

They arrived outside, and Daenerys glimpsed Drogon's shadow looming over them. She looked up with a huge smile on her face to see Drogon perched on one of the pillars of the temple.

"Drogon," she called, and her child swung his head to look at her. When he saw her, he gave a great roar, then leapt off the temple and landed heavily on the ground next to her. A purr emitted from his throat, just from the joy of seeing his mother.

Muña she heard him say to her. He missed her, was lost without her for days. Daenerys wrapped her arms around his neck, giving him a tight hug.

"I'm so happy you're here. I'm sorry I left you," she whispered into his scales. Drogon rumbled in response, and Daenerys pulled away. He brought his snout to her midriff and sniffed. Drogon seemed to understand that she was pregnant, as he nudged her belly gently, another purr coming from him. "Yes, that's your brother or sister in there."

She didn't really know how to feel about her pregnancy. It was Jon's baby, and right now, she couldn't even bear thinking about him. She hated him for what he did to her, but she also loved him for getting her with child, something she thought she could never do after Drogo. She was conflicted.

For now, she was happy to be alive and for her dragon to have its mother. After all, a Targaryen alone in this world is a terrible thing.


Later, she found herself in the quarters they made for her within the red temple. She was sitting on the bed, contemplating.

All her life she had one goal: to rule Westeros, as she was the rightful Queen. And she did rule, for a few hours. Then she got killed. Did she want to go back and try again? Give her child a crown and a good life? Or did she want to stay hidden and on the run from those who want her dead. If she did go back, she had a chance of failing again.

I'll stay a few years, and let them forget about me. Then, when they least expect it, she'll return and take it all back, with fire and blood. Then, a thought struck her.

What if Jon was the one on the throne? Would she kill him in response to him killing her? Or would she exile him in the name of family. He was the father of her child. She wondered what he would think of himself if he knew. If he knew he killed not only her, but his child too. It would probably kill him.

It's what he deserves, Daenerys thought. He'll pay for what he's done.

A moment later, she felt movement within her. Their babe. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't hate him. He had given her a new meaning. A new purpose.

She will protect their child with all she has.

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