Chapter Eleven

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    As soon as John saw Stu walk out the doors, he began to wiggle out of the bartenders grip, and walked up the stairs, stomping his feet down, one by one, faster than ever.

     What was Stu's deal anyway? He thought. I mean, I've paid attention to him for the past two years and pushed Paul to the side. So now when Paul and I finally get into a relationship and I pay just a little more attention to him, less than two years worth, Stuart starts to act out and throw tantrums like a child?!

     But then again, John thought, Stu doesn't know Paul and I are together. He's probably confused as to why I ditched Paul and never seemed to give a care about him, and then all of a sudden made it seem like he was the most important person in the world.

     Or was he not joking about about the queer part and he actually found out about Paul and I? I hope not.

     However, that still doesn't give him an excuse to act like a child.

     John approached Paul's room and knocked on the door, waiting for it to open. He hoped Paul wouldn't be mad that he got in a fight.


     Paul opened the door only to find John standing in the hallway, with an angry look on his face.

     "Come in." Paul said.

     "Thanks." Said John while stepping into the room and giving Paul a kiss on the cheek as Paul smiled.

     "What's wrong, Love?" Paul asked.

     John could tell Paul had seen the expression on his face. And he was worried if Paul would be mad at him for getting into a fight. But Paul wasn't mad at all.

     "I...I...uh..." John stuttered over his words. "I got into a fight. At the bar."

     Paul didn't seem to get mad. He didn't have any expression on his face, just eye contact with John to show he was listening. "With who?" Paul asked.

     "With Stu." John said his answer a bit more confidently now that Paul wasn't angry with him.

     "Why?" Paul widened his eyes with shock. "What happened? How did it start?" He questioned.

     "Well, I think he's just mad that I'm paying more attention to you, after I shoved you to the side for the past two years."

      "Isn't he your best mate though?" Paul asked.

     "Yeah, but you mean more to me." John smiled. "Besides, he's acting like a toddler anyways. It's annoying."

      "John, even though we're together now, you still can't push him to the side, you have to go talk to him and make things right."

      John smiled and thought of how great it was to be in a relationship with Paul. He knew exactly what to do at the right time and always made John feel better, no matter what mood he was in.

       "Where would I be without you?" John spoke his feelings while grabbing the back of Paul's neck and kissing him.

       "I'll be back soon." John said while walking out of the door and into the hallway.

       Shit. Thought Paul as he watched John walk out of the door. I forgot to tell him I'm taking him to see my family.
Thanks for reading. -Liz :)

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