Chapter Thirty-Four

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       John sat at a bus stop bench, tears still dripping down his face. He had his left leg stretched out across his right as he tilted his head back to rest on the glass of the rooftop over the bench.

      He watched the cars pass by, left and right, none of them seeming to give a care. He wished he could be like the cars. He wished he could pass through life and skip the pain. He wouldn't give a care in the world about anything.

      The actions of a couple of minutes ago still played in his mind. Him trying to leave, then him and Paul getting into a fight, John confessing the pain he felt this whole time to Paul, and then John running out the door and coming to this bus stop. With each memory came a new teardrop that ran down his cheek.

       Dark clouds formed over top of him, rain threatening to fall any second now. John didn't care. He just didn't want to go back to The Cavern. He wanted to be as far away from Paul as possible.

      Another man came up and sat next to John. He stared at him deeply, and looked puzzled as to why he was crying and seemed to be judging him. Not even bothering to wipe the tears from his face, John gave the man a hard glare, which made him stand up and go to the other end of the stop.

      John heard the fat raindrops start to hit the roof one by one. They started slow at first, but eventually got faster and faster with every drop, until it was a full on rainstorm.

      The rain began to travel down the sides of the shelter in which John was sitting underneath. He turned his head to watch the raindrops race. They reminded him of his tears. Some fast and some slow.

     John proceeded to watch the raindrops, not daring to turn his head, as the man next to him got on the next bus, shielding his head from the rain with his arms. It wasn't until someone called John's name, which made him turn around.

      "John?" The voice questioned. "Is that you?"

       Standing right above John stood a girl with light blonde hair, carrying a purple umbrella over her shoulder. It was Cynthia, John's old girlfriend from when he was back in art school. What was she doing here?

      John quickly wiped his tears and let it a small chuckle. "Yeah. It's me. How have you been Cynthia?"

      Cynthia closed her umbrella and sat right next to John. "I'm good." She replied. "How are you? You seem a little hurt. Did anything happen?" She gave John a sympathetic look.

      She was always good at reading John's feelings. John missed that.

     "I just got into a fight with someone." John stated. "Do you know how it feels when you have so much pain inside of you and you want to get help but you just can't because you'll know you'll get hurt more?"

     "Yeah. I kind of do." Cynthia replied. "It's kind of how I felt after we broke up." She let out a nervous chuckle and swiped a piece of her hair behind her ear.

      "Oh Cynthia, I'm so sorry."

       "No, no, it's fine." Cynthia reassured John. "Anyways, we're not here to talk about that. Do you want to come back to my place to have a cup of tea? We can talk about your situation a bit more."

      "I'd really like that." John answered. "But don't you have to go somewhere? Isn't that why you're at the bus stop?"

      "I can go to the market later." She smiled as she spoke each word.

      "Oh ok."

      And the two of them were off to Cynthia's house. Sharing one umbrella as they walked. John was already feeling better.

Thanks for reading. -Liz :)

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