Chapter Two

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Let's see how this goes, lol.

"Uh yeah," Paul heard a voice call back at him.

Paul sat up and studied Stu and John. What were they doing? He took a harder look at John. Was he, drunk?

Paul sighed. Why wasn't he surprised?

"Dropping off John again?" Paul questioned. This was the third time in a row. He was John's caretaker when he got too drunk. Usually Stu would push John in, making him bump into Paul and Stu would go,

"See ya,"

And this would be the fourth time that routine had continued if Paul hadn't said something.

"Nope!" He exclaimed while throwing his hands up into the air. "Not this time Stuart! Not this time."

"Aw please Paul. There's this girl downstairs that I really like and I think we have a chance!" Stu put his hands up to him and pleaded as John sat down onto to Paul's bed, staring around the room.

Paul smirked. He never thought he'd live to see the day when Of all people, Stuart Sutcliffe would bow down to him. And just because of this, he'd parent John for only one more night.

"Fine," Said Paul giving in. "But this is the last time. And that's final. Now, get out, Stu."

Stuart shuffled out of the tiny bedroom without another word. Paul walked over to where John was sitting on the bed. Not wanting to deal with him, he decided to climb onto the top bunk and go to sleep.

"Goodnight John," Paul rolled over onto his back.

"But Macca, I don't wanna go to sleep,"

"Too bad. Goodnight,"

"I wanna glass of water first," John pouted.

"Fine," Paul climbed down the ladder and went into the bathroom only to find a plastic cup. He turned on the sink and filled the cup up to the top. He went back out and handed the cup to John. He climbed back up the ladder and into the bed.

"Paul?" John asked

"What?!" Paul replied, starting to get annoyed.

"Why are you always sad?"

Paul paused. He couldn't actually tell John why he was sad. He couldn't tell him that he was jealous of his best mate Stu.

Or could he? John was drunk after all. He wasn't thinking straight. He wouldn't understand. Or so Paul hoped.

"Um...well..." Paul stuttered. "I just miss my family that's all." Paul lied.
"We're a long way from home and I haven't seen them in a really long time. I miss them a lot. Especially my brother."

"But you still have me. And the band," John replied, while sounding a bit sad.

Paul chuckled. "Yeah I guess you're right. But, it's just not the same anymore." Paul whispered, obviously referring to his and John's situation. He hoped John wouldn't know.

Suddenly he felt someone climb up the ladder onto his bed. There sat John in the dark. Even though Paul couldn't see, he knew John sat close.

Paul's heart began to race and the world around him stopped turning as he felt John climb on top of him, faces inches apart. So close that Paul could feel John's alcohol filled breath on top of his mouth as if he was becoming drunk himself. Drunk from John's touch and his beautiful features.

"Maybe this will help," John whispered.


Their lips touched. John could feel the electricity run throughout his body. Paul's lips were soft and delicate, but they had enough force to push an elephant.

John began to run his hands through the other man's hair. He had wanted this for so long. He had longed for Paul's touch and he finally had it. This time, he wouldn't push Paul away. He wanted him.

John pulled away from the kiss, but yet their faces were still closer than ever. However, they didn't stay that way for very long.

"Get the hell off of me!" Paul shouted as he pushed John away making him fly back. He climbed down the ladder and never looked back to John, while he walked out into the hallway.

John watched him all of the way there.

A/n: Yeah, I really didn't know what I was thinking two years ago. Hope you liked it anyways. Thanks for reading. -Liz :)

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