Chapter Twenty-Two

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   Ok, y'all, this is where the geography gets confusing. If you're in the UK, you have to travel across the water to get to Paris, but when John and Paul went to Paris in real life, they were originally in Hamburg, Germany so they didn't have to travel across the water to get to Paris. I just set this story in Liverpool, so it isn't really accurate. Also, I don't think you can take a ferry ride to Paris from the UK. Idk, I was younger and I didn't really know what I was thinking, so please just go along with it.

   It had been two days since John and Paul had left Liverpool. And yet they still weren't out of England. John was beginning to lose his patience, but Paul always reassured him that it would be worth the wait as soon as they got to Spain.

      Paul and John, (but mostly Paul) has their whole trip arranged out in a perfect order. Once, they got out of England, they would have to take a ferry across the water to France. They would hitchhike a bit more and stay in Paris for about two days. Then, they would hitchhike across the border to Spain. And of course, after their trip they would start their glorious journey back to England.

      But for now, they were stuck waiting for a ferry to take them to France.

      "Paul?!" John whispered and groaned.

      "What?!" Paul replied, mocking John.

      "Are we there yet?"

     "John! You sound like a damn child! We have one hour thirty minutes on a ferry and then two more hours in the car until we get to Paris! Then god knows how long we have until we get to Spain!" Paul replied.

      John groaned.

     "But like I told you before—" Paul was cut off by John.

     "I know! I know! It'll be worth the wait once we get to Spain!" John finished Paul's sentence. He had heard that statement so many times now.

     "Fine." Paul whispered.

     It was dark now, and there was no question that the two men were catching the last ferry of the day. There were a handful of people standing around them, but none too much that there wouldn't be enough seats.

     Still, thought Paul. What are all these people doing going to France, this late on a Tuesday night? Didn't they have work the next day?

     Now knowing that it was too dark for anyone around them to see, Paul slowly put his head down on John's shoulder, his eyes fluttering to a close. John put his head right on top of his, grabbing Paul's hand intertwining their fingers together.

      I am so excited to be in Spain with this man, thought Paul.


      "John! John!" John woke up to a hand shaking his shoulder. "John wake up!" The voice practically shouted.

      John's eyes slowly opened only to find an excited Paul. "John! We're finally in France!" He exclaimed once again.

      "Did I really sleep for an hour?" John questioned. He remembered getting on the ferry with a half awake Paul and then staying up for about thirty minutes. I guess I fell asleep after that, he thought.

      "Yeah." Paul said, his eyes still wide with excitement. "Let's get off of this boat." He finished.

      John stood up with Paul by his side, and slowly got off the boat the rest of the people in front of them.

      "Do you want to get something to eat before we hit the road again?" Paul asked John while he helped him off of the boat and onto the pier.

      "Only if you want to." John replied. "If not, then let's just get this two hours in the car over with."

     "I'm not that hungry." Paul said.

     So the two men walked over to the nearest curb, both of their thumbs out, this time eager to get to a hotel and being able to sleep in a bed. Surprisingly, within about ten minutes, a car pulled over.

     John opened the door letting Paul in first. Almost there, he thought.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for the confusion. -Liz :)

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