Chapter Twenty-Seven

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      Paul watched John as he laid his head down on his shoulder, eyes beginning to fall shut. They were on the ferry back to England. People might question the two men, with the position they were in, but Paul really didn't care anymore. He just laid his head on top of John's, still careful to stay awake, in case they were to miss when the ferry stopped at England, or if anyone had anything to say.

      Paul felt piercing stares all around him as John fell asleep. Sure people were wondering if they were queer, but that didn't matter. It only mattered if the police were there. And as far as Paul could see, no police were around.

       It's a shame though, he thought. That people hate queers just because of who they like. They're not hurting anyone or anything, so they shouldn't be concerned about it, if there was nothing to worry about. They had lives of their own to pay attention to.

      Paul checked his watch. They had only been on the ferry for about thirty minutes. Halfway there, he thought. Only thirty minutes left. However, thirty minutes felt like five hours to him, considering all the traveling him and John had been doing lately. It was exhausting and he couldn't wait to be back home in his own bed.

      Well, home to Liverpool at least. Back to the Cavern. Besides, even if Paul wanted to go home, he couldn't. Considering the fall out with his father.

      Paul frowned, remembering that time. It made him depressed, and along with John's falling out with Stu, it was what caused them to travel to Paris. And now that they were leaving, Paul couldn't help but wonder, what life would go back to.

      Probably the same, with band performances and rehearsals, kissing, and drinking. Lots and lots of drinking.

       But there were still many questions that remained unanswered.Would the band ever get a manager or record deal? Much less make it to the top of the charts?  Would Stu ever come back to the band? Would he and John eventually be able to make up? Would Paul ever reunite with his father?

      Not unless he accepts me. Thought Paul. And that led to another question. And another after that.

       Would he ever be able to accept me? Or will he always be this narrow minded to John and I?

       And then finally, would him and John be able to stay together? Or would things get too crazy? It was already a bit of a struggle with the things that had happened to the two of them, so if things were to get more crazy and exciting, would they be able to handle it? Or would they need time to themselves?

       Paul hoped not. John was one of the few good things he had in his life right now. And he hoped nothing would mess that up.

       He felt John's head stir underneath his. He lifted his head up, giving John some room. As he looked up, people were still staring at the two men. Paul just rolled his eyes as John spoke softly.

      "How much longer?" He asked while rubbing his eyes. He didn't notice all the eyes around them.

      Paul checked his watch as his eyes widened. "Five minutes." He said. He couldn't believe he had been trapped inside his own thoughts for that long.

      John laid his head back on Paul's shoulder and dozed off for five more minutes. However, he was jerked back awake by a voice over the intercom, murmuring about how they were now in England, and he hoped to see them all again sometime soon.

      Paul stood up from his seat, motioning for John to come with him. John stood up and walked to the door, with Paul behind him.

      But they were soon stopped by a lady with a large head of red hair and a long, slender nose. "Are you two queer?" She questioned.

      "What's it to you?" Paul spat while grabbing John's hand and pulling him out the door.

      He laughed as soon as the fresh air hit him. Paris had given him confidence.

Thanks for reading. -Liz :)

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