Chapter Twelve

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   Stuart walked out the front doors of the bar and let the cold air hit his face straight on, letting it calm himself.

     He didn't know what came upon him to start the fight with John. He was just so annoyed lately. Annoyed with John of course, but also annoyed and angry with Paul. Paul had taken John away from him.

     John and Stu had gone through a lot together. They were in the band together, they wrote songs together, made jokes together, and hell, Stu and John even hated and made fun of Paul together.

      So that's why it didn't make sense for John to suddenly protect Paul like his guardian angel or something. John hated Paul for two years. Yet, Stu didn't know why.

      They must of gotten into some sort of fight. He thought  or maybe Paul did something to turn on John, or John did something to turn on Paul. Or maybe it was just time. Was Stu the cause?

      Stuart had so many unanswered questions, which would stay unanswered if he didn't make up with John soon, or if they did make up and John was his stubborn self and just didn't want to answer the questions.

       However, there was one question John might answer if, of course they had made up, and if he was outspoken like he usually was. Was John queer? And did he like Paul?

       It would make sense. Thought Stu. Before he knew John, Paul and John were best mates. Maybe John liked Paul and Paul found out so they got into a huge fight or something like that. And then that's when John found Stu, someone to replace Paul. As a best mate of course, not a boyfriend.

     And maybe the reason why John was now so protective of Paul right now was because something had happened and they were now in a relationship. 

     Stu doubted it though. After all being queer was illegal and not very 'manly' at all, so why would John be queer? Him and Paul had probably just gotten into a fight a long time ago and had now made up, leaving John wanting to spend more time with him. And causing him to defend Paul.

     By now, Stu was lost. It was dark and he didn't know which way left from right was. The only thing he could see was one lonesome street light illuminating a fence where a pond sat.

     Stu walked over to the fence, letting the wind blow his hair as he pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one with his lighter. He put it up to his mouth, letting it dangle of his lips. He took a deep breath and soon let smoke fall out of his mouth.

      "Stu!" Stuart heard a voice behind him so he turned around, only to find John Lennon in a heavy winter coat.


      "Stu!" John called out as he saw someone leaning against the fence, smoking a cigarette. He turned around looking straight at John. John began to walk towards him, hoping this talk would go over well.

      "I'm sorry." John said straight away, not knowing how to start the conversation. "I'm really sorry." He continued.

      "Hey don't worry about it mate." Stuart replied while playful shoving John making him stumble a little bit. "It's what mates do."

      "Yeah, but best mates don't." John said while exaggerating the word best. He really wanted to make things right with Stu.

      "John. It's all right." Stu laughed. "I'm okay. And I know you are too."

     "So we're good?" Asked John.

     "Yeah were good." Replied Stu. "But can I ask you one question?"

     "Go for it mate."

     "Is the reason why you're close with Paul now, is it because you're in a relationship? Are you queer? I'm not going to judge you y'know. I just want to know."

     The smile vanished off of John's face. Stu really did think he was queer. Even though Stu said he wouldn't judge, he couldn't tell him.

     "Uh no." John lied. He could feel his face going red. "I'm...I'm not queer."

     "Ok. Let's go back then, mate. It's getting late." Stu said.

     "Yeah." John nervously chuckled as the two men began to walk back to the Cavern.
Thanks for reading. -Liz :)

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