Day 1

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Prompt: The ConVex find a hooded figure at ConCorp. When they wake the person up, the person hugs Cub, and whispers, "You're alive, I didn't kill you." It's Scar's voice.

TW: Blood, Murder.

Scar nodded, and shook hands with Cleo, glad they could come to an agreement. The pirate district would become far more active now that an official trade route had been opened between Scarassic Island and Tort-Tuba.

Scar flew off to ConCorp, feeling good about life, when he realised that the hair on the back of his neck was standing up straight. The air was alive with magic, possibly more powerful than that of the Vex. But that was impossible... wasn't it?

A twister of sorts appeared out of nowhere. It swirled around violently, blowing Scar back and knocking off his hat. Arcs of Royal-Blue lightning arced from point to point on the twister, further indicating that this was more than just some freaky weather phenomenon.

When the storm settled and Scar had picked up and put on his hat, he saw a cloaked figure lying on the ground. Scar went to see if the person was okay or conscious, and after a quick assessment (unresponsive, but breathing) he rolled the person into the recovery position, and messaged Cub to come quickly.

After a messaged conversation with much confusion on both parties, Scar spotted a shadow in the sky. Cub flew down and landed next to Scar and the figure, Vex-blue crystal dust scattering from his boots as he hit the ground. Scar gestured wordlessly to the unconscious figure on the ground.

Cub knelt down beside the hooded figure and gently shook them awake. The person gave a start, and seemed to look around. When they looked at Cub, they paused for a second, and then launched into a hug. Cub paused, startled, and then hugged whoever this was back. They clearly needed it.

After a moment, the person started crying, and whispering quietly:

"You're alive... Cub, you're alive... I didn't kill you..."

But the most horrifying part wasn't the fact that this mysterious hooded person seemed to think they'd killed Cub. No. The most horrifying part was that this person had Scar's voice. So naturally, it wouldn't come as a surprise that Cub broke out of the hug.

"Scar? Is that you? What happened?"

The other Scar pulled his hood back, revealing that it was, indeed him. He took off his cloak entirely, revealing a burnt and bloodstained version of his outfit.

"I went mad. You fought to bring me back to reality, but the only thing that snapped me out of it was..."

The other Scar swallowed, and drew his finger in a slicing motion across his neck. This world's Scar stepped back in shock, before quietly asking:

"What made you go mad?"

"I don't remember."

Scar sucked a breath between his teeth, and ran. Ran away from the truth that what happened to this other may very well happen to him as well and he had absolutely no way of stopping it. Cub and the other Scar tried to stop him, but it was a lost cause.

Doot doot it's a Time Skip.

Scar sat there, head in his hands. How could any version of himself be driven to kill Cub? Could he do that? The sheer existence of this other him had Scar reeling. The concept of Cub dying... it was just too much.

He heard his heart beat as he began to panic, was he that much of a monster? Could he kill Cub? Perhaps he should... no. Was he finally cracking under the pressure? No, he wouldn't. Who was he, anyway? Who was he, if there was another Scar?

The only solution: Eliminate the other Scar.

Cub was talking to the other Scar, as if he were the original. Scar clutched the sword tighter to shut up the small part of his mind that said that murder was a bad idea. He sheathed the weapon, and approached the duo, an unnatural smile on his face.

He told them that he wanted to speak to the other Scar alone, so Cub got up and left. As soon as Cub was far enough, Scar drew his sword and pointed it at the other's throat. Good. Now he'd be the only Scar, the real Scar, like he always had been. With a mad flash of a smile, he slit the other Scar's throat.

The blood went all over Scar's clothes, so he put the other Scar's cloak on over his shoulders, casting a spell over it so that it appeared new. Problem was, Cub saw him doing this, since he'd doubled back.

Cub ran forwards, quickly realising what had happened. The other Scar wasn't from another timeline. He was just from the future. The near future, at that. And Cub realised that his life was doomed if he didn't stop.

But in his foolishness, he hoped. He hoped he could save Scar, break the cycle. So he engaged in combat with Scar. The duo duelled, an insane grin widening on Scar's face every time Cub got injured. Cub slowed down, he couldn't keep up. He wasn't even surprised when the sword went straight through him.

He just smiled, laughed at his own stupidity, and fell to his knees. He pulled Scar's hood down, and whispered goodbye as Scar broke down in tears. He grabbed Scar's hand as his face went pale as death, and he let go of his final breath, smiling at the freedom, but crying for Scar.

Scar looked at his friend's corpse as the reality of what he'd done set in. He'd killed Cub. There was no undoing that. He looked at his blood-splattered clothes, and ran. He ran from his problems again, tears streaming down his face. He didn't notice the royal-blue whirlwind until it picked him up and knocked him out.

Well, that was fun! And yes, there is an overarching subplot planned for this, hence the separate book. Can you spot it before it's revealed?

Cupra, signing off from the past!

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