Day 6

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Prompt: Ren was always a werewolf, but only Iskall knew that. After some potions get involved, Iskall and Ren both vanish. The next night, Doc is mauled by two wolves, and one of them is missing an eye... 

Ren stood in the clearing, holding the potion. He had a tissue resting against the spot where he'd lost the tooth for the brew. Iskall walked up to him, resting an elbow on his shoulder.

"Ren, are you sure you want to give it up?"

"It's a curse. Of course."

"You sure it's going to work?"

"Of course! I just have to take the potion at sunset. Speaking of which-"

The sun was disappearing into a sea of pink and orange, the cloud illuminated in the brilliant hues that filled the sky. Ren grabbed Iskall's hand for strength, and took the potion. Once he'd swallowed it, his eyes suddenly widened.


"I may or may not have forgotten the fermented spider eye."

Ren suddenly fell to the ground, and began to transform. The forced transformation, since it wasn't reined in by Ren's agreement, wracked him with pain. When it was over, Iskall looked at the resulting wolf, almost as big as he was. The wolf looked back, any trace of Ren gone.

Iskall yelped as Ren- no, this couldn't be Ren- leapt at him, and only just barely dodged. His mechanical eye shattered on the ground, revealing his actual eye, and the ports where the augmentation attached.

Now half-blind, Iskall couldn't easily defend himself. He struggled to fight off Ren, but to no avail. The teeth sank into his arm, and he gasped in pain. And then it felt as if some kind of energy was spreading from the wound. The last thing he was conscious of was ash-grey fur spreading from the wound.

Time Skip, brought to you by Goldfish crackers.

"Iskall? Ren?" 

Doc walked down the forest path. It was getting late, and he was going to give up his search, when he saw something glinting on the ground. He hurried over to it, investigating. It was a piece of broken metal. He looked around, and saw more broken robotic pieces around him.

Doc looked at the cybernetics, smashed and scattered all over the ground. They seemed to form a small augmentation, but Doc assumed it wasn't important. Until he saw the gem. He picked it up, holding it to the moonlight. He hoped against hope that it wasn't what he thought it was. But unfortunately, it was part of Iskall's eye.

Doc dropped the gem in shock, before hastily picking it back up. He ran back along the path, lab coat billowing in the wind. He was halted dead in his tracks when a massive wolf leapt out from the shadows at him.

It had an ash-grey coat, and was almost up to Doc's shoulder. One of its eyes was singled off, as if it had been the victim of a laser blast. Doc was about to turn and run when he saw an even bigger wolf approaching from behind. Before he could make a move, a sudden force hit him from behind.

He spun around, winded. The half-bind wolf was standing there, one paw soaked in blood. The larger wolf took this opportunity to lunge at Doc as well, but the bite landed on his mechanical arm. So he was just down an entire arm. Great.

Doc decided, quite wisely, that the best option would be to run. He slipped past the half-blind wolf, running as fast as he could. When he looked back, he received a large paw to the face. He felt his cheek bleeding and his neck throbbing, but he had to keep running.

When he got back to the nether hub, he almost passed out then and there. As things were, he approached the first person he saw. He walked up to... he thought it was Cleo, at least. His grasp on consciousness was slipping enough that he couldn't tell. He pressed the gem into her hand, and let his eyes close.

If y'all couldn't tell, I love cliffhangers.

Cupra, signing off from the past!

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