Day 14

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Prompt: Iskall wakes up from a coma. He is greeted by a German-sounding doctor and his dog. A nurse with a very distinctive accent comes in and introduces all present. That's Doctor M and his dog, Ren, and the nurse's name is Stress.

Iskall paced around the Sahara meeting room. For some rest, Grian and Mumbo hadn't shown up. He clicked his tongue, and looked out of the window. His jaw dropped at the sight he was greeted with.

Everything was disappearing into motes of darkness and light, closing in on Iskall's location. A faint buzzing could be heard from where the destruction was. He spotted a figure, flying desperately away from the dissolving world. They turned, and dove towards Sahara.

As the figure flew closer, it became apparent that he was Ren. Iskall quickly broke open the window, bracing to catch Ren. But before Ren could make the flight, his leg began to vanish. He fell deeper and deeper into the destruction, until, when he reached Iskall, just his face and his outstretched hand remained.

Ren grabbed Iskall's hand, smiling in his final moments as his head was dissolved, and Iskall let out an anguished cry. The Swede braced himself to meet the same fate as his best friend, but instead-

I'd like to bring y'all this dream shift, courtesy of excessive amounts of T-Posing.

The patient slowly opened his eyes. He looked around at the bright room, and saw someone sitting in a chair near him, trying not to fall asleep but clearly exhausted. He weakly smiled at them, and they sat up straight, and spoke into a phone. The patient's ears were ringing far too loudly to hear what was said.

Time flew by in a whirl, as doctors and nurses filed in, checking up on him in every way possible. Things only settled down when the last doctor came in. He was a tall man, half his face covered in scars, and wearing a prosthetic arm.

"Sir. I regret to inform you that you've been in  a coma for a year. We at the hospital don't know who you are. Could you please tell us? I'm Doctor M, by the way."

"I... don't remember. I only remember a weird dream, where I was called... 'Iskall'? Maybe that's my name?"

"Alright. Iskall it is. Good morning, Iskall."

Doctor M stood up and left, and Iskall was left, laying on his own. Why couldn't he remember anything but that dream? Why was the name 'Doctor M' so familiar? He didn't understand it. He shook his head, and drifted back off to sleep.

He almost didn't hear the sound of two people arguing over a journal, or the sound of pages ripping. Almost.

Short, I know. But there's always the space between the lines, or the times without lines, that can provide revelations. Why not read through this chapter again? You may see something that wasn't there before.

Anyways, one day left! And then I can get back to the normal schedule! Woo! Fun and pain!

OdalRune, signing off from the past!

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