Day 13

500 8 16

Prompt: AU where Tango never joined the server. And for a laugh, team WIZ just summoned a demon.

Life in Hermįtcraft was fun. There were the Architechs, plotting their next scheme to help them break even. There were the ConVex, restocking their shops. And over there, by the free wool area, team WIZ. Definitely not up to anything at all. Nope.

Impulse turned the page, and showed it to the other two. It depicted a circle, filled with runes and Galactic text, amongst other cryptic symbolism. Just looking at it sent chills down Wels' and Zed's spines. And yet, the circle, the incantations, everything about the page filled the trio with morbid curiosity. Impulse was the first to speak.

"Let's summon a demon." 

ℸ ̣ ╎ᒲᒷ ᓭꖌ- Y'all weren't supposed to see that. Move along now.

Zed finished sketching the circle on the floor, and started filling in the runes. Impulse was busy taping sheets of wool over the lights to create such darkness that the ritual would work, but mobs wouldn't spawn. Wels was flipping through the book, a confused expression on his face.

"One question. Why are we summoning the one demon that there is no information on?" Wels asked, briefly glancing up at the other two.

"For science."

"Why not?"

Zed and Impulse gave the only two valid answers at the precise same moment. The trio chuckled, and went back to their work. Wels studied the incantations closely, committing them to memory.

Soon, it was time. The three stood in a circle, and Wels tried to recite the spell from memory. He almost succeeded, but had to check the book a couple times. Impulse scattered the redstone and glowstone dust mixture in the middle of the summoning circle, and the trio stepped back. There was a moment of silence, and a rush of chaos.

A swirl of clouds burst from the pile of dust on the ground, resolving into a humanoid figure, with massive wings and glowing red eyes. As the demon landed on the ground, his mess of golden-blonde hair was revealed, and his cloak settled around his shoulders. He looked at the trio, and remarked in a bored tone:

"What do you want?"

"Actually, we were just messing about. We weren't banking on the ritual actually working."

"You know what? I respect that."

"You... do?"

"Of course! My entire existence is founded on things like that. My name's Tango, you?"

"I'm Zedaph."

"I'm Impulse."

"I'm Welsknight."

"Well, nice to meet you three!"

The demon smiled at the three. He walked towards the edge of the summoning circle, but was stopped by a barrier of some sort. He anxiously glanced at Wels, who nodded. He stepped over the edge, and it was as if some great weight had been lifted.

The quartet chatted for a while, in general having a good time, when Impulse proposed giving Tango a tour. The other three agreed enthusiastically. They stepped outside, the sun meeting their eyes sharply. Tango hissed in shock when this happened. Zed turned back, concerned, but Tango just shook his head.

"I haven't seen the sun in a couple decades, that's all."

They walked around, showing Tango every shop in the Shopping District. They walked up the hill near Cherry, to get a good view. Tango looked around, smiling. He then posed a question, which hadn't occurred to the other three before.

"Why hasn't anyone built a shop here?"

The three humans shrugged, muttering non-committal explanations about how it just felt wrong for whatever reason or so. Before they could dredge up coherent reasoning, however, two figures descended from the sky. Cleo and Evil X. They seemed to be fighting over a book of some sort.

Cleo paused to greet Tango, confusing everyone present.

To Skip or not to Skip, that is the question. Whether 'tis nobler of the Time-

Tango was about to head home when Wels spoke.

"You know... you're cool, for what everyone says demons are like."

Tango just laughed, ruffled Wels' hair, and whispered something in the knight's ear. Tango waved farewell to Team WIZ, and stepped back in the circle. He muttered something under his breath, and clouds began to form around his ankles. He turned to face the trio as he vanished, fading away until the last part left was a glimmer of smiling red eyes.

This was initially going to feature much more Cleo, but you never know what's gonna happen. Not in writing challenges.

OdalRune, signing off from the past!

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