Day 12

504 9 22

Prompt: People refer to X as 'the green one' and Evil X as 'the red one'. The twins are colourblind, and think that their armor matches. And then Apathetic Xisuma shows up, and tells the duo the truth.

"Evil X. For the last time. Just because your armor is in the same style as your brother's. Does not mean that they're identical."

Evil Xisuma laughed nervously, ruffling where his hair would be, until he remembered he had his helmet on. He cautiously moonwalked out of Tortuga town backwards, running as soon as he got outside of the city limits. Cleo clicked her tongue. Something had been full-on messing with reality these past few loops.

Evil X, meanwhile, ran headlong into what appeared to be another set of armor, slightly taller than his and his brother's. He looked up, and saw someone who appeared to be his brother, except with longer hair and a bored expression on his face.

"Oh. You."

"X? What happened to you?"

"I'm not exactly X. Like you, really."

"Oh, so now there's three of us, is there?"

The other X smiled an ominous smile a this remark, before it quickly faded back to the blank expression.

"You think I like being here? I'm only around because I'm sick of seeing my little twin brothers flop around like mad fish thinking they're wearing matching armour."


"Let's just head back to X so I can explain the situation to both of you at the same time."

With that, the older X grabbed Evil X's arm and-

-they arrived at X's base. Evil X rushed over to his sick twin, before turning to face the third.

"What the hell was that?"

"A jump-cut. Haven't you done one before?"

"Those belong in videos. This is a book."

Before the fourth wall could be damaged any further, X sat up, coughing. He took one look at the third Xisuma, and his face paled even further. He tried to speak, but he'd lost his voice. He pulled out a book and quill, and wrote two words, before lying down again.

Apathetic Xisuma.

Evil X looked at the paper confusedly, before glancing up at Apathetic X. The alter ego in question snatched the book up, and looked at the page.

"So Mr. Green knows who I am. Good for him."

"Mr. Green? Both our armours are yellow."

"Oh boy, have I got a revelation for you."

"What could it possibly be?"

"Take this potion."

"I'm sorry, but I don't think I can trust you. You stroll into our lives, out of the blue, breaking all the wrong fourth walls, and you expect me to drink some potion?"

"Stop being difficult, you're my brother. I'm trying my best to help."

"Help with what? We're fine the way we are."

"Well, if you wouldn't be so rude!"

Apathetic X vanished in an instant. X rolled over, his eyes barely open and facing his brother. He smiled weakly, and Evil X took off his helmet to smile back. But in that moment, he was left wondering: what was Apathetic X trying to help with?

When Xisuma fell asleep, he looked over at the book and quill left behind. Surely there'd be answers there. He walked over, and picked it up, looking at a random page. Cleo's handwriting, nothing of use. Probably just some stupid MacGuffin.

How did X get his hands on the journal? Not telling ya. But there's more here than meets the eye.

OdalRune, signing off from the past!

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