Day 3

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Prompt: Tango wakes up one morning to find himself on a park bench, sporting a black suit and sunglasses. Next to him is Impulse, in a white suit. And then the Good Omens theme starts playing.

Tango jolted awake. It took him a second to realise something was off, though it was probably the fact that he was wearing sunglasses that clued him in. He sat up, and looked around. He appeared to be sat on some sort of park bench. The ducks were giving him stinkeye. Next to him was someone in a white sui- wait that's Impulse.

Tango nudged his sleeping friend, who awoke with a start. Impulse looked at Tango blearily, then down at his suit. He blinked a couple times, before simply stating one word:


Dream shift, because I have zero inspiration.

Tango woke up in a cold sweat. The dream was already fading, something about the Antichrist and a Bentley... and it was gone. He took his favourite book off the shelf, a certain Good Omens, and decided to go read it outside.

Tango loved the book. He could really see himself in one of the main characters, Crowley. They were both demons, who sauntered vaguely downwards and just wanted to be on their own side. He was so lost in the book that he didn't realise Impulse was walking next to him.

"You too, huh?"

"Yeah, I had a freaky dream about the apocalypse and owning a bookstore."

"So you had a dream where you were Aziraphale?"


"Oh, one of the main characters of this book."

"Ah, cool."

The two walked in peace together for the rest of the night, exchanging quips and reading chapters of the book to each other, smiling and laughing. They realised they should probably head back to bed when they caught Cleo on what she claimed was an early-morning stroll. The duo parted ways, beaming like spotlights.

Sorry it's so short, Good Omens is too pure to mess with. I have no clue why I even made that prompt, lol.

Cupra, signing off from the past!

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