Day 7

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Prompt: Doc is maintaining his cybernetics when he finds a virus. He tries to defeat it, but fails. A week later, he wakes up thinking that his name is Iskall. Cue the real Iskall trying to cure him, until a sudden arc of energy leaps from Doc to Iskall...

Doc was sitting on the composter. To an unaware eye, he would've seemed to be daydreaming, staring into space, zoned out. He was actually performing a debug and virus check on his cybernetics, so all of his attention was diverted there.

He was 99% done when he hit an error. He gasped, as the one thing every cyborg dreaded filled his vision. A virus alert.

He quickly deployed his antivirus software, but it was no use. Discovery of the virus had activated it somehow, and his mind began to fill with fog. He began to repeat to himself under his breath, as a mantra to stay sane:

"I'm Doc, I'm in Hermitville, I live below this composter.

I'm Doc, I'm in Hermitville, I live below this composter.

I'm... Doc? I'm in Hermitville, I live below this composter."

But the noise was too loud. He felt the world losing its grip. He couldn't think, he couldn't do anything. He tried to remember his name, but it was a struggle. What was his name? He searched the back of his mind for something, anything.

...Iskall. Yeah, that was a name. It was probably his.

He stood up and wandered around in a daze, before bumping into someone with a blue mechanical eye. The gem in the eye had a scratch on it that seemed familiar and wrong all at once. It took eye-person barely less than a second to realise something was up. He quickly took 'Iskall' to a swirly purple thing, and they ended up in... right. The Nether.

Eye-person was saying something, but he couldn't make it out. His head was throbbing too much. He found himself in a minecart, whizzing past some dioramas. 'Iskall' thought whoever made these must be pretty talented.

He soon found himself in a purple biome, being ushered to a bed by eye-person. Eye-person rummaged in a box and pulled out two metal chips. Anti-virus, probably. That was what was wrong with him, right?

Eye-person was about to put the chip in his arm when a sudden arc of energy leapt from one cyborg to the other. 'Iskall' stood up abruptly, and his mind was filled with a sudden rush of memory. So much noise, it made him sick. Or maybe that was just the virus.

Doc stared at Iskall, dumbfounded. Everything inside his head was a mess, he couldn't think straight. That was a funny word. He began to chuckle, it was so funny. Everything began to lose its focus as his ears rang. Things began to rapidly change colours as things grew darker and darker.

Iskall barely caught him as he fell down. And then Iskall began to feel dizzy as he looked at... who was that again? He shook his head, and looked at the two chips in his pocket. Right. Those were good. He put one in the open hole on Whatshisname's arm, and put another into his eye augmentation.

He picked up the unconscious cyborg, and staggered outside. He happened to see a zombie, who he knew was friendly. He waved at her confusedly. She looked up from the journal she was writing in, and rushed over to help. He passed out before she could reach the top of the hill.

Time Skip brought to you by me aggressively T-Posing at Mighty.

Doc's eye slowly flicked open, and his cybernetics glowed into life. His head was full of buzzing, like there were a bunch of bees in there. His vision was blurry, but he could make out vague shapes. There was something that was probably Ren sat next to him, whose slumped posture perked up when he saw Doc.

"He's awake!" Ren's voice yelled, excitedly. "Doc's awake!"

Immediately, there were more people-shaped blobs gathered around him, beginning to resolve into the hermits. But someone was missing. Doc looked around, but he was nowhere to be seen. Doc smiled and greeted all the Hermits, and then when most of them had left, he turned to Ren.

"Where's Iskall?" Doc croaked out, his fuzzy memories leaving him concerned. Ren moved his chair sideways, to reveal Iskall lying in another bed, something off-white - a cloth, perhaps - on his forehead. He smiled weakly at Doc, and turned back over.

"He's recovering. He didn't get the virus as badly as you did, so you both should be up in a couple days." Ren explained. Doc nodded, and went back to sleep.

What's this? A happy ending? No! It can't be! Impossible! Happy endings? With your Cupra? It's more likely than you think.

Cupra, signing off from the past!

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