Chapter 1: Untouched Evil

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Big Bear Lake, California
Summer 1984

Darkness is something that lives in all of us, it's an uncontrollable demon that clouds our emotions and judgement and forces us to do things that we regret in our life. We tell ourselves that we can overcome it, that we become the best person that we want to be, but lies can only get you so far in this world. Even in the face of death, we tell ourselves that everything will be okay, that we will be taken care of as we pass onto the afterlife. However, we can only hope that we are granted access to the promise lands and live peacefully as our souls move on. I just wish that was true, but from what I've seen, we all have darkness inside of us... and we can't control it. 

My heart was racing as I ran through the forest at high speed, hoping that I could get away from the madness. I don't know how long I've been running, how long I've been worrying, but all I know... is that they're dead. They're all... DEAD. People that I've cared about were killed for no reason and I'm here, praying that I won't be the next victim. I felt my legs start to give out and I started to slow down, so I decided to jog a couple feet before I came to stop near a tree. 

I leaned against the tree, breathing hard, as I ran a hand through my hair and tried to catch my breath. I felt my knees start to buckle, so I slid down the tree and sat down against it. I'm not sure how I managed to get here, but this was only a small break, from what I know... I'm being hunted. These... creatures... aren't human, I don't know what the hell they are and I don't want to know anytime soon.

Putting my arm down, I felt a sharp pain attack the right side of my body and I started to wince in pain.

"Urrgggghhhh!!!" I grunted aggressively. 

I tried to handle the pain, but it was unbearable. My eyes started to water at the excruciating pain, and as I blinked, the tears fell over my dirty face and landed on my tattered shirt.

Taking a deep breath, I reached over and slowly removed my torn sleeve. The shirt was stuck to skin and was covered in dark blood from my injury, but that was the least of my problems. My body was broken, my mind shattered, and all I wanted was for this nightmare to end. As I tore off the sleeve, I saw a huge bite mark tear into my skin and ooze blood as it shined in the moonlight! I looked away and tried to forget about the pain, but it hurt like hell and the pain was like nothing I could bear. Most of my body was bruised and cut open from the attacks and I couldn't feel any of it earlier, but when you have adrenaline, nothing hurts. 

I put my hand on my stomach and laid there, resting for a bit as I felt my eyes start to grow heavy. It felt like my body was shutting down and I was floating on some sort of cloud, dreaming away all the pain.


My eyes shot open at the horrific sound of a gruesome scream! I looked around frantically, my head was on a swivel as I looked left and right to see what that noise was! My chest started to get tight and my heart started to beat faster than it did before.


"Oh shit!" I said anxiously as I scrambled to get up! The scream got louder and closer, those things were coming and I had to hide! 

I looked around my area and saw a couple of cut trees lying on the floor in a pile. Without hesitation, I ran towards them and crawled under the trees as fast I could, hunkering under them. As I laid down on my back, I started to hear the sounds of stomping feet, like a huge group of animals were coming towards me! The stomping was getting louder and louder and then... it stopped!

My heart was beating rapidly and my breathing was uncontrollable, I didn't know what was going on and I was too scared to see what was out there. Suddenly, I heard the sound of growling and heavy breathing coming from the right side of the area. Taking a deep breath, I looked to my right to see the creature's feet walking toward the trees. It's nails were long and ragged like knives and it bore a dirty color.

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