Chapter 18: Explosive Situation

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Big Bear Sheriff's Department

Late Night


We lost him. We actually lost him. Goddamnit... Fernando... fuck. They took another one. They took someone that we cared about deeply without any remorse, without any regrets! He was right there... and we couldn't save him. Nobody saw it coming, no one knew what was going on and because if that... someone got killed. As much as I want to cry and beg God to take me instead, I have to power through the pain! I have to survive... we have to survive, no matter the losses. 

I took a deep breath and rubbed my face against my hands, washing away the tears. Coming back to reality, I realized that I was no longer holding Bryan. I looked up to see Bryan, looking at Fernando's corpse as it laid there by the police station entrance. Jackie was still looking at us, but she soon got off the floor and started to approach him! As this was going on, I looked behind Jackie and saw two figures coming behind her! Why... WHY DON'T THESE THING DIE!

Allison and Sheriff Connors were approaching the entrance, there faces cold with anger as they got closer! I grabbed Bryan's arm and pulled him back.

"Bryan, come on. We gotta go!" He wasn't listening, he just kept on looking at the body. It was like he was in a trance.

"I know how your feeling right now. I've lost people, people I've loved and cared for a lot. Fernando was like family to me, he was like a brother to all of us. He wouldn't his death to be in vain. He'd want us to honor him and live our lives to the best of our abilities. We can't do that if we're dead, so I need you to pull yourself together and fight... or we're all gonna die."

 Bryan still didn't say anything, instead, he just clenched his fists and turned back to the group. I watched him go back and I followed after. Paola and Manuel stood there as they looked at me with tears in there eyes. I nodded my head towards them and wiped my eyes again, making sure there were no more tears. 

"Those things are still coming! Were do we go?" Sheriff Johnson asked. Looking behind them, I saw a gas station on the other side of town. The lights were still on and there was a truck parked right in-front of it. 

"Gas station across the street! Run for it!" I instructed as I pointed at the building. Manuel and Bryan lifted Sheriff Johnson and helped him over to the station, with Paola trailing behind them. I hauled ass away from the police station and headed towards the gas station!

I went around the group and got in-front of them. As I came in-front, I saw someone come out of the gas-station. He was closing the doors and locking them. 

"Hey! Hey, you over there! Stop! Help!" I waved my arms in the air, trying to call out to the owner. 

Luckily, it worked! The owner around just in time to see me run up to him! 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down! What's all the fuss about!" The owner asked.

"No time to talk! We need your help! We're being chased by a group of killers that are right across the street!" I said breathlessly. 

"Killers?! What do you mean?" The owner asked. 

"Killers as in; murders, psychos, people that want to take your life! Keep up, man!" Paola chimed in as she pointed towards the station. The owner looked up to see Allison, Jackie, and Sheriff Connors approaching the station! 

"Alright, well l--"


A piercing, high pitched scream rang through the town. The sound of the scream was so loud that, it felt like someone was stabbing my ears with a thousands knives! Fucking hell! I covered my ears, trying of muffle the sound as much as I can! Looking around, I saw that everyone was doing the same thing as the pitch got higher and higher! I looked back and saw who was making the noise. Allison's mouth was wide open as she yelled out into the air! Jesus, she must be good at singing.

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