Chapter 16: Rats in a Cage

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Big Bear Lake, California

Cranberry Lodge



Well... things are absolutely... FUCKED. I mean seriously, our entire situation is completely and utterly, fucked. We did everything we can to try and survive these past few days. We went to Morrison Property Management to convict the owner that she owns the mines, and we failed. We tried to convince the cops that that we got attacked by the monsters, but they didn't believe us. Now, we fight for our lives and get actually win for once... but we get arrested for no goddamn reason. Like I said before... EVERYTHING. IS. FUCKED. 

In the end, I don't know what to do anymore. 

I was on the ground being arrested by Sheriff Connors as he held my hands behind my back. Even though I was on the ground, I was able to look up a bit and see the rest of the squad, looking very pissed off. Paola practically had steam coming out of her ears as she stared at Sheriff Connors the whole time! Fernando was shaking his head in disappointment as another cop came to him and put his behind his back as well. However, Manuel was looked emotionless as he stared at the floor. He was probably thinking about something.

Lastly, there was Bryan, who was talking shit to Sheriff Johnson as he tried to explain what was going on.

"You guys are fuckin' dumbasses, you know that?! Your arresting the only people that know what the hell is going on and can probably save your lives!"

"'Save your lives', yeah right. The only people that can save your lives in the real world are the police and yourself. You couldn't even save yourself from committing a crime... unbelievable." Sheriff Johnson said as he secured the handcuffs.

"We never committed a crime! We were defending ourselves!"

"Yeah, you can tell that to the judge when your in court." Sheriff Johnson lifted Bryan off the ground and led him to the police car. Sheriff Connors did the same thing with me and followed his partner on the way out. 

I took deep breath looked back at Sheriff Connors. 

"He's right you know. You're all making a huge mistake about what's going on. Something big is happening around here and we all need to leave tonight before more people die."

"Listen ma'am, right now I've had enough bullcrap for one day. I've dealt with drug dealers, crackheads, robbers, the entire criminal underworld. This is just another case of murder, where the evidence is sitting right there in your lodge. If I were you, I'd try to keep my mouth shut and get my story straight."

"Murder? This isn't-"

"If I hear one more word from you, I'll charge you with Disturbing the Peace! You got it?" Sheriff Connors asked. I didn't reply, instead I just kept quiet and walked to the car.

He opened the backdoor and slightly pushed my head down, so I don't hit my head as I sat in the back seat. Eventually, I was put into the backseat with Manuel and Fernando, while Paola and Bryan we're put into another car. I guess they didn't want to deal with Bryan's arguing, even though he's telling the truth. Feeling defeated, I put my head against the glass and looked the night sky as the stars started to come out for the night. 


Sheriff Connors

After dealing with a bunch of unnecessary conversations, yelling, and angry glares, we finally put all the suspects in custody. These kids nowadays are always trying to convince people that they're not the problem and always blame someone else for their mistakes. I've been doing this job for fifteen years and I've the worst excuses from people who claimed that they had nothing to do with these crimes. Luckily, the Criminal Justice System always works. These kids will be convicted in no time and we can move onto the next criminal who does something stupid.

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