Chapter 9: Mother

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Big Bear Forest, California



I'm not sure if running out the lodge with a bunch of monsters on my ass was a good idea. Yes, I put myself on the situation where I have to lead them away and hopefully find help, but there's a low possibility that I might survive. Even if I don't live, I'd rather feel better that I gave up my own life to save someone else's. Sometimes, you have to do things that put yourself at risk and may cause harm or even worse. However, if you're able to get the positive outcome you wanted, you'll achieve your goal.

I ran through the forest like a mad man on a mission! The only thing that was on my mind was the safety of the others! I didn't care if I was outnumbered and injured, all that matters is that the squad makes it out of here alive! It was too dark to see anything in-front of me, but hearing those rapid footsteps behind me, gave me a reason to keep on going! My ankle was pretty busted and I'm not sure how I'm even still running at this point... guess adrenaline does weird things to you.

The monsters were relentless, keeping up with me as I weaved in and out of the trees and jumped over logs, but these things can keep up! Keeping up the pace, I was able to increase the distance between me and the bastards! While I had the advantage, I saw something that caught my eye in the moonlight.

"What the hell?" In the distance, the forest started to dip lower, where the ground descended towards a cavern.

Slowing down, I peered over the edge to see railroads leading into a cave. Judging by the look of the area, this had to be a mine-shaft. The rails looked rusted though, having been degraded by the elements over time, must've changed the color. 

"That's a far drop." I said curiously. 

It was at least a four foot drop and at the bottom was a lot of rocks and stones to break my fall. This could be good place to lose the freaks, but I'm n--


"Shit, they're coming. Guess I have no choice." Seeing no way out, I slid down the ravine and quickly ran into the mine!

The sounds of my footsteps banging in the rails echoed throughout the mine as I ran faster and faster! I was using the moonlight to guide me through the mine, but it started to fade once I went deeper. Soon, it was completely dark and couldn't see shit.

Luckily, being in the dark wasn't so bad. As long as those creatures don't find me, I'm good... for now.

"Well, looks like I lost them, now... how where the hell does this place lead to?"

Having no idea where to go, I decided to walk forward until I found something to help me see in the dark. As I walked in the mine, I started to think about the others... if they were okay. I'm not sure if leaving was the right choice, but in this situation... we have no right or wrong options. I... I just... I just hope that the others make it out alive.

If they die... I don't th--


"Owwww! Dammit, what the fuck was that?!"

I grabbed onto my knee, checking to see if it was okay. Once it was checked, I placed my hands on the object I ran into. It was pretty cold and felt like metal. Running my hands against the outside, I felt some engravings on the front of it. Maybe there were words written on it and judging by where I'm at... it might be a minecart.

Feeling my way inside the minecart, I tried to see if there was anything inside. By pure luck, I found something and grabbed it. It had glass in the middle and had metal on the top and bottom.

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