Chapter 23: True Colors

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Big Bear Lake, California

Morrison Mine Shaft

Late Night


Everything has gone to shit. 

We had everything planned. Everything was going well. We had the equipment, the people, the plan, we had it all! Still... it wasn't enough. Once factor changed everything. Trust. The one thing we over looked... trust.

I should've known.

I should've figured out that something was off, but... I didn't. Now, we have to pay the price.

We were being lead down the tunnel by Allison and a group of parasites. Paola had her hands tied behind her back and had a knife pressed against the back of her neck. Of course it was Allison who was holding the knife.

However, my situation wasn't the best either. Fucking Lia. She had her gun pressed against my head, forcing me to walk, even though my leg was screwed up.

The pain is unbearable! It felt like my leg was gonna fall off! I could feel the blood run down my leg and pool inside my shoe. Ugh, I can't take it! After taking another step, I stumbled to the floor, holding my leg!

"Get your ass up!" Lia grabbed my arm and violently pulled me back up!

This bitch is really pissing me off!

I turned around and glared at Lia, staring directly in her eyes! 

"I swear to god... I'm going to fucking kill you for what you did. You're gonna regret crossing us." I said angrily as I stepped closer to Lia's face. 


Without warning, Lia pistol whipped me in the head, knocking me to the ground! I clutched my head and felt blood start to flow! Fuck this! I growled and started to get up, but Lia kicked me in the mouth! My mouth filled with blood and I spit some of it out as I groaned in pain. Lia wasn't done though. She pressed the gun to the back of my head!


Allison yelled at us and Lia's head snapped up as she stared at her.

"Stop messing around! The Mother needs them alive. If you kill them, then she's gonna make us all pay." Allison said as she turned around and walked deeper into the tunnel.

"Let's go." Lia said as she grabbed my arm and pulled me back up. Once I got up, I continued to glare at her! She put the gun against my head and looked back at me.

"Give me a reason, Dana. Come on." Lia said.

I didn't reply. Instead, I just spit more blood on the floor and turned back around and continued to walk into the tunnel.

After a couple minutes of walking, we finally arrived at our destination. There was light at the end of the tunnel and we say what appeared to be a huge colony of parasites inside the cavern. Everywhere you looked, there was a creature looking at us as we walked into the cavern. They were all lined up, standing at attention like they were in the military. It was like walking into another world. A world where we don't belong.

The monsters created a path for us as we got closer to the center of the cavern. When we got closer, I could see three figures sitting on there knees on the middle of the army. Dammit... we all got caught. Paola and I were herded towards the boys and we say the horrors that happened to them. All of them were bleeding from their faces. Bryan had a swollen left and eye and blood was coming out of his nose. Manuel had scratches all over his arms and face, but he looked very angry. Sadly, Johnson got it the worst. His leg is torn open and the blood was seeping out onto the floor. He was struggling trying to sit, but the look on his face says other wise.

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