Chapter 25: Darkness Among Us

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Big Bear Lake, California


Late Night




"Don't look back! Keep going! Keep going!" 

A huge explosion went off inside the mine shaft! It sent debris and rocks flying towards us! Paola and Bryan were shielding me from the blast, but I was too stubborn to turn away. All I wanted to do was go back and save him, TO SAVE ONE PERSON! Instead... I couldn't... do anything, but watch. Watch... as another person I cared about... dies, right in front of me. 

This... This isn't happening. Not again. 

Explosions still kept going behind us as we tried to outrun the bombs. Luckily, we nearing the end of the tunnel and as we got the end...


A shock-wave slammed into our backs, sending us flying out of the mine! We all flew a couple feet in the air and landed roughly on the ground. I landed face first onto the ground, as if I needed more things to be broken in my body. 

The smell of smoke and burning flesh filled the air as the flames grew inside the mine shaft. I tried to push myself off the floor, but I was too weak to get off the floor.

"D-Dammit." I groaned out as my left arm gave out. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Paola get up and limp over to me. She came over and helped me off the floor. Just looking at her face, I can see the pain lingering in her eyes. She was feeling it too. We all felt it. 

Even after I got up, I couldn't take my eyes off the fire. I was mesmerized at the sight of it. Staring at it... made me realize all the things I've done. The pain, the guilt, all of it hit me at once... and I... I couldn't take it!

I collapsed, fell on my knees, and cried. Paola tried to hold me up, but it was too late. I was done.

I didn't hold back. I just sat there and completely broke down over what happened. We were doomed the moment we came here... and it's all my fault. I... couldn't save them.

Fernando... Jackie... Allison... Johnson... Manuel... they're all gone, because of me.

As the sobs came out, I felt a hand touch my shoulder. Looking up, I saw Bryan hovering over me.

"It's okay, Dana. We did everything we could." Bryan said.

"H...How? How i-is any of this okay?! They're dead! All of them are dead! We could've saved him! He didn't have to that! Why'd you let him do it!" I yelled out!

I rose up and pushed Bryan back as hard as I could. He didn't react, instead he stood there and took it.

"Why?! Tell me why?! WHY?!?"

He never said a word. Even so, I continued to hit him in the chest. Over and over, I hit him, again and again and again...

"He sh-- we sh-- I..."

I tried to form the words, but it was hard to think. Everything came crashing down and I couldn't do anything. All was lost. I let out a huge cry and fell into Bryan's arms as he caught me before I collapsed.

He put his arms around me and hugged me.

"I know... I know. I didn't want to do it, but... he made that choice. He was the strongest out of all of us. He knew what had to be done. It could've been anyone, but he made that sacrifice... to save us all. There's no one that can live up to that."

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