Chapter 7: Blood In, Blood Out

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Big Bear Lake, California 



Mayhem... it was all around us. We couldn't avoid it, we couldn't stop it, we never even saw it... yet I always knew that it would come after us. Now hear I am, surrounded by the people that I love the most and care for, are about to get killed by monsters. What makes this even worse is that of all the people to pull this off, it had to be her. Allison played us and we fell for it... we fucking FELL FOR IT, and now... we have to pay the price. At this moment, nothing else matters, the only thing we need to focus on... is surviving. 

Body shaking, faster breathing, and wet eyes, this is the combination for fear that plagues me right now. We were surrounded with no way out, death was knocking on our front door and the only thing we could too was answer it. I turned my head to the right to see Fernando and Manuel, faces filled with terror, as they stared at the creatures coming towards us. However, when I looked on my left, I saw Paola, drenched in tears as she started to cry. She looked at me and my heart sank at the sight of her. 

She never wanted this... none of us wanted this, to be filled with fear and remorse for our lives, but we had no choice. We have to survive, survival is our only option and I'm willing to do whatever it takes to make sure we survive. Even it means I have to sacrifice myself to get it done. I took a deep breath and quickly turned around to face Allison, who stared at me with an evil smirk.

"Why Allison? Why are you doing this?!" I yelled out. Allison let out a small laugh and walked towards me.

"Why am I doing this? No Dana, the real question is why are we doing this?" 

I raised my eyebrow in confusion.

"We? What do you mean we?" I asked curiously. 

"Our race, our bloodline, our future... that is what we are... that is what I am. Your people have become relics of a long forgotten world that no longer exists. Humans have killed and conquered for no reason... only because they think they're superior. Well... that time has come to an end. A new era is about to begin... and it starts with you." 

"A new era? Bloodline? Allison, what the h--"


My heart dropped at the sound of her voice. It sounded grotesque and deep, full to the brim with hatred... like one of the creatures. Was she one of them?

"W-Wait, what do you mean d-dead?" I asked nervously.

"I mean she was a sacrifice for a noble cause. The human was just a vessel, something I needed to live. Without it, I would cease to exist and my life would perish. That's what you humans are, place holders for the next species."

The way she talked sounded cold and heartless, like someone who only cared about themselves. However, the horrible reality that Allie was dead... destroyed me. She was dead... because of me.

"You've wasted enough time. Now, it's time to face your destiny." Allison closed her eyes and when she opened them, they turned into a bright yellow!

"Kill them!"

Like a speeding bullet, the creatures launched at us! Mouths wide open as they roared loudly, ready to attack with full force! Thinking fast, I grabbed Paola by the torso and tackled her to the ground, just barely avoiding the creature! Manuel and Fernando did the same, ducking down  so they can avoid getting hit! The monsters flew over our heads and landed behind us!

"RUN!" I yelled loudly. Next thing you know, everybody hauled ass into the forest! 

Everybody ran as fast as they can, nobody took a chance to even look behind to see if we were even getting chased! As long as we can hear the footsteps right behind us, then we know damn well that we're getting chased! I made sure to keep Paola in front of me at all times, I wasn't gonna let her get hurt, so I let her stay ahead so I can keep watch.

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