Chapter 11: Please Don't Leave Me

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Bear Valley Community Hospital, California 

Room 125



After waiting three hours, we finally got the chance to see her. The doctors gave us the go ahead and we instantly went to her room. Only Bryan and I went to the room though, Fernando said he was gonna go out and look for Manuel. He has a lot of courage to actually go back out there and look for him. I would've stayed in the hospital and waited for everyone to show up and then I would go back, pack my stuff, and leave this godforsaken hell hole. As much as I want to leave this place... I have to see my sister.

We made it to Room 125, where Dana was being treated for her wounds. I placed my hand on the doorknob and... and... I couldn't bring myself to open the door. My hand startled to tremble and my heart started to race at an intense pace. I was scared to see what she looked like and it was too painful to see her like this. I... I can't do this. Backing away, I turned around and started to walk away.

"Wait, Paola, what are you doing?" Bryan asked. I stopped in my tracks and took a breath, trying to form the words I wanted to say.

"I... ugh... I don't know if I can see Dana like this." I said nervously.

"Are you sure? I mean, after everything that's happened tonight, you should be eager to see her."

I ran a hand through my hair and placed it in my pocket.

"I do. I really do it just... i-it hurts to see her like this. Lying in a hospital bed, connected to all those machines, all because she tried to save me. How am I supposed to see deal with that?"

Bryan put a hand on my shoulder and looked directly in my eyes.

"You don't have to deal with it alone. That's why you have us and your sister to help you deal with this. You don't have to worry."

He was right. I don't have to do this alone, but... even if I feel scared or even ashamed... I still have to do this. 

"You're right..." I nodded my head and walked back to the door. Taking a deep breath, I reached for the doorknob and opened the door. 

When I opened it, I saw Dana lying on the hospital bed... unconscious. She had an IV solution going into her arm and a Heart Rate Monitor next to her bed. As soon as I saw her, my heart dropped and I felt lump form in my throat. I wanted to go to her and wake her up, shake her until comes out of her sleep, but I don't know if she'll wake up.

I walked closer to her bed and saw her face more clearly. Bryan found two chairs in the room and placed them next to her bed. Once I took a seat, I started to feel my eyes water a bit as I stared at Dana's face.

"Hey sis..." My hands started to shake, but I closed my eyes and took a breath, calming myself down. 

"I... I hope you can hear me. I'm... really sorry this happened to you. Seeing you like this, lying here in the hospital fighting to stay alive, it hurts me. All you wanted was a normal vacation with all of us together and now..."

I tried to let the words out, but I get the urge to cry come closer and closer.

" No, you're gonna come back. You're gonna make it through this and we're gonna leave this hell hole."

I wiped the tears from my eyes and placed my hand on her bed. Clearing my mind, I started to think back on the good times that Dana and I used to spend together. My heart started to slow down a bit and I let out a small laugh.

"We used to have a lot of good times with the group, but one moment stuck with me that I remember the most. It was the first time that I played with you guys. Everybody was playing Minecraft and you guys were building cool stuff all over the place and I wanted to join you guys. So, I got on the game and the first thing I did was... kill all of Bryan's animals and he was pretty shocked when he found out."

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