Chapter 5: A Quick Dip

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Big Bear Lake, California

Cranberry Lodge

Early Morning 


It's been a few days since we've moved into the lodge and so far it's been alright. Okay, I'm lying... this place lowkey sucks. This place has to be the worst place that anyone can stay for the Summer. Everyone in this lodge is really annoying... except for one person. However, I can't stand that stupid bitch Allison. Every since that day at the lake, she's been getting on my last nerve! Not only that, but she keeps on glaring at me!

She was doing it at every chance she gets and it's pissing me off! If this is how it's gonna be for two weeks, then I'm gonna lose my shit. Luckily, the only thing that makes me want to stay here is my man. We're always spending time together and I'm enjoying every single minute of his company... especially in the bedroom.  

However, Bryan wants me to try and be nice to his friends more often, but how can I when they can't even take a simple suggestion. I just need a break from this lodge and find a good place to relax. Maybe the lake is a good place...

Waking up quietly, I rubbed the crust from my eyes and reached over to the nightstand to check my phone. It was about 6:10 in the morning, so it was somewhat early, a perfect time to go out, but I couldn't get up. I was wrapped around Bryan's arms and judging by his grip, he wouldn't let me me go.

Moving my hand down, I grabbed his hand and slid them off my waist and onto the blanket. Once I did that, I quietly moved from the bed and went out the room. I went straight to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did the normal routine anyone does in the morning. After I got out the shower, I went back to the room and got my stuff ready to head to the lake.

I grabbed some the essentials that anybody should need for swimming; my swimsuit, a towel, and snacks, just incase I get hungry. Once I was set, I put all my stuff in my Drawstring bag and went over to the bed.

"Babe" I shook Bryan's arm, but he wouldn't get up.


"Huh?" Bryan said tiredly.

"I'm gonna head out to the lake and go swimming. I'll be back in a few minutes."

"Okay... be safe."

"You too handsome." I reached down and kissed him on his forehead as he went back to sleep. Smiling at him, I grabbed my bag and made my way out the room and down the stairs.

As I walked down the stairs, I heard the sound of the T.V. in the living room. When I got down there, I saw the most annoying person sitting on the couch. Allison was sitting there, watching something and as soon as I showed up, she looked at me and stared at me with an evil glare! God, she's so annoying! I looked back at her with the same look and rolled eyes, completely ignoring her.

"Dumb bitch" I said under my breath.  I walked out the door and made my way into the forest, heading to the lake. As much as I don't like Allison, I wasn't gonna let her ruin my morning and ruin my vibe. The weather was really good for it being early in the morning, making it the perfect time to go swimming. I hope I can get a few laps in before I miss breakfast. 

After a couple minutes of walking through the forest, I finally made it to the lake. I walked closer to the lake and reached down, putting my hand in the water to see how the temperature is. It was pretty cold, perfectly normal for a lake that's this big. I pulled my hand back and walked over to the firepit. Putting my bag near the pit, I started to take off my clothes, when I heard a weird noise coming from the forest. My head snapped up and looked in the direction of where the sound came from. There was nothing there, so I just shook my head and went back to getting undressed. 

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