Chapter 17: Relentless

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Big Bear Sheriff's Department, California

Late Night


I'm not sure how long it's been since we've been trapped in these jail cells, but I'm pretty sure we've been here for a couple of hours. Sitting here in these square spaces, being surrounded by steel bars, and a single toilet in the corner of the room, is pretty boring. I was starting to get tired from all the energy I burned out when I fought off Jackie. My eyes were getting heavy and my head dipped to the side every time I felt myself dozing off. Luckily, every time I tried to sleep, my head would bounce of Paola's and I would get back up instantly. 

She had a pretty hard day, hell... we all had a rough day, dealing with abominations that tried to kill us for the second time in one week. Damn, we have the best luck ever. 

I let out a yawn and looked at the boys' cell. Manuel was laying down on the cold metal bench, sleeping soundly as ever. Since he had the bench, Fernando decided the floor was the next best option and laid back to rest. He had his bandaged hand on his stomach, while he put his other hand behind his head. As the boys took there chance to relax, one of them decided that sleep was not an option. Bryan was wide awake and he still looked angry. He was sitting against the wall, cracking his knuckles and shaking his leg. I'm not sure what's going through his mind, but I know that he's probably thinking the same thing as me.

This entire situation is fucking stupid.

Out of thin air, I heard the sound of keys jingle from across the room. I looked towards the door to see a figure approach the door, his shadow reflecting against the light. The door opened and Sheriff Johnson stepped into the room. 

"Everybody up! I got something to tell you that is very important." Everyone woke up from the sound of his deep voice and looked at him with red eyes on their faces.

"What? How you guys are complete idiots and that we were right from the whole time." Bryan said aggressively. Sheriff Johnson shook his head in dissent.

"No, it's not that. I ran all your names through our database and everything came back clean, nobody has a criminal record. However, that doesn't mean you guys are off the hook. All of you are being charged with First Degree Murder and will face a judge in a couple weeks. Since our county doesn't have a local judge that can handle the court cases, were sending you all back to the city, so you can be properly charged for your actions."


Sheriff Johnson looked at me with an irate expression on his face.

"Is there something your excited about, miss? Seeing that you're excited that you committed a crime." 

I stopped clapping my hands.

"Yeah... actually, there is a reason why I'm excited. No... actually, I'm amazed that you actually believe the bullshit that comes out of your mouth." I said with resentment.

"Excuse me?!" Sheriff Johnson said as he came closer to my cell. I rose from the floor and walked closer to him.

"You heard me, this whole 'charged with First Degree Murder' thing is straight up bullshit. None of this is murder, this is self defense against monsters that want to kill us! We've been trying to survive for the last three days, fighting for our lives as the monsters came ever so close to killing us! Those things kill, they've already killed, and they're gonna keep on killing until nothing stands in their way! We're being hunted and NONE OF YOU MOTHERFUCKERS GIVE A SHIT ABOUT WHAT'S GOING ON!" I screamed out as I grabbed the bars and yelled in Sheriff Johnson's face.

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