Chapter 10: Aftermath

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Bear Valley Community Hospital, California 


"How long until we get to the hospital?!"

"Another 15 minutes."

"That's not good! She won't make it in time! We need to stop the bleeding, NOW!"

"Okay, get a bandage from the cupboard and apply pressure!"

"Got it."

"How are her vitals?"

"Her vitals are low and her pulse is low. If we don't get her into surgery, she'll go into Cardiac arrest and will lose her!"

"That won't happen! We can save her! Tell the driver to hurry up!"




What... happened? How did everything go wrong so fast? She had everything planned to make sure we had a great Summer as a family. Now... she's fighting for her life, because of something none of us saw coming. My friend... my sister... was on the verge of being taken away from us. I've lost a lot of people in my life. People who've meant so much to me, but this one... this one hurts the most. We've already lost Allison and I've lost the woman I've loved... We're not gonna lose Dana, that's not gonna happen!

We were in the hospital, following the doctors and nurses that were treating Dana. Most of them were taking her to the emergency room, while the others provided assistance. Fernando and I were trying to keep up, but we were to focused on Paola.

She was trying to reach out to Dana, but she wasn't responding. Most the doctors told her to stay back, but her just ignore them. All she wanted was her sister to come back.

"Paola, slow down! Let the doctors handle it!" I yelled, but she didn't respond.

"It's okay Dana, we're almost there. Just hold on." Paola said.

"Miss, I'm going to have to ask you to step back, please." The nurse said as she put an arm in front of Paola.

She swatted the nurse's arm away and glared at the him.

"She's my sister! I'm not leaving her behind!"

"I know miss, but you have to be treated for your injuries. Now c--"

"I'm not the one that needs help she does! HELP MY SISTER!" Paola yelled at the top of her lungs.

"Paola, calm down! They're doing everything they can to help her. Don't get mad at them." Fernando said.

Still, she ignored us and continued to follow the doctors. As we got closer to the emergency room, the nurses started to open the doors. The doctors rushed through it, wheeling Dana inside, leaving the waiting room. Paola towards the door, but the nurses blocked her off!

"Ma'am, this area is for medical staff only. Please return to the waiting room."

"No, I need to see my sister! I have to make sure she's okay!"

"I'm sorry miss, you can't do that. You have to wait until the doctor says it's okay to see her. Please wait in the waiting room."


Paola rushed towards the door, but the nurses held her back! She kicked and screamed, fighting her way inside, but it was no use.


I ran ahead of Fernando, heading straight for Paola as she continued to fight. Once I got there, I grabbed Paola by forearm, pulling her back away from the door! She continued to scream and yell as I pulled her away.

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