Chapter 3: Too Late

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Big Bear Lake, California 2021

I slammed the door shut and angrily walked through the forest. I don't know where the hell I'm going or what I plan to do. As long as I don't to see that ugly bitch out here, I'll be fine. I couldn't focus on anything else, all I could hear was that dumb bitch disrespecting Dana. To be honest, I don't know why Bryan brought her on this trip. Yes, it his girlfriend and yes he cares about her, but she needs to learn respect and not call people names or disrespect anyone in the group. After all the years of dealing with horrible people, Jackie is at the top of my list of disrespectful assholes. 

After walking through the forest, not caring where I was going, I managed to get another part of the lake. Since the moon was out, it reflected against the water's surface, creating an aura that calmed me down. I took a seat on the ground and stared at the lake, thinking about what I've done. Did I make the right choice? Should I have really tripped out and make a scene in front of everybody? I know I could've handled it better and try to deescalate the situation, but a lot things were running through my mind and shit got crazy.

Looking at the ground, I picked up a rock and threw at the lake, skipping it across the lake. I spent of most of the time just skipping rocks and trying to understand what I did. Hope things don't get weird w--


"Allie! Where are you!"

Turning around, I saw the flash of lights coming from the forest and heard Fernando and Dana voices from afar. Standing up, I looked at the forest and took a breath.

"I'm over here!" I said loudly. After a few seconds, two finally found me and had worried looks on their faces. Dana ran up to me and bear hugged me, making little sniffling noises as she embraced me.

"Oh thank god. I thought something happened to you! We looked for you at the camp site, but you weren't, and I started getting worried, then Fernando got worried and, and, and..."

"Otter, calm down... I'm fine. I just... had to get away from the lodge and clear my head."

"We know, but we didn't want you to be out here all alone, so we had to come look for you." Fernando added.

"Well, if your here... then who's watching Paola?"

"Manuel is watching her. She woke up after she heard the argument and couldn't go back to sleep. As for Bryan and Jackie, they went back to their room to talk." Dana said.

"Wow. Guess things calmed down as soon as I left, huh?" I took a seat on the ground and looked the lake, feeling terrible. 

"Why? You don't believe it's your fault, right?" Dana asked as she took a seat next me, along with Fernando, who sat on the other side. 

I didn't answer the question, instead I looked at her with pain in my eyes. How could I answer something that she already know the answer too. However, Dana shook her head in disbelief.

"Allison, no. It's not your fault. Jackie was the one who provoked you and you just reacted to the situation."

"She's right. Plus, Jackie's the one who should be the one apologizing. She was the one being rude as shit and she was doing it the whole day. To be honest, I hope Bryan checks her before Dana punches her in the throat." Fernando said.

Hearing him say that, I started to chuckle and actually crack a smile for once.

"Look Allie, whatever you think you did wrong, it's not true. None of this is your fault, forget what Jackie said, your the most important person in the group and no one can take that away from you."

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