Chapter 4: Endangered Species

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Big Bear Lake, California


It's been a whole day since the Allison situation and so far, we've been feeling concerned about going outside the lodge. Since Allison got hurt from her encounter with a deer, we've decided to stay inside for a few days and chill for a while. To be honest, it does sound bad because, the point of this trip was to get out of the city and enjoy nature from a different place. However, now we're staying inside, watching T.V., and doing absolutely nothing. I swear to god, if we have to stay inside for another day, I'm gonna lose it.

It was the early morning and I was at the kitchen table, eating breakfast, with Manuel and Bryan. We were having a very serious conversation about something that most people will never understand. What is better? Soggy cereal or crunchy cereal?

"Dana, you just have to understand. Crunchy cereal is the best kind of cereal. Hands. Down." Bryan said proudly.

"What the fuck? Crunchy cereal is trash. You know damn well that soggy cereal out classes crunchy cereal every single time and here's the reasons why. One, it's easier to eat and two, it tastes way better." Bryan made a confused face and put his hands on his forehead in disgust.

"Easier to eat?! That's straight up, bullshit! Soggy cereal is basically bootleg oatmeal with more milk! The reason why people love crunchy cereal is because they want to hear that crunch when bite into their Frosted Flakes or Cheerios."

"I'm with Bryan on this one. No one eats cereal like that bro." Manuel said as he at bit into his poptart.

I shook my head in disappointment and drank my orange juice.

"Whatever, screw crunchy cereal. I'm never eating that shit."

As we sat at the table, I heard the sound of a door open and close. Allison was coming down the stairs and I called to her. Know Allie, I know she would agree with me that soggy cereal is in fact the best type of cereal.


I called to her... but she ignored me. She kept on walking down the stairs without looking at us. The boys looked at each other, confused about Allison.

"Hey, Earth to Allie" I said a bit more clearly. However, she still ignored me. Okay, I don't know if she's playing a prank or what. Either way, it's starting to annoy me.

She reached the bottom of the stairs and walked towards the kitchen! Alright, enough is enough! I shoved my chair back and stood up straight, looking at Allison, dead in her eyes.



Allison was startled and snapped out her trance! She took a couple steps back and looked around the room, then she looked at us.

"Oh hey guys, what's going on?" Allison said happily as she smiled at us.

"Uugghhh, nothing, just chillin, eating some breakfast." Manuel said awkwardly.

"Sounds cool."

"Allie, are you feeling okay?" Allison looked at me with a raised brow.

"Yeah, I'm feeling great. Why do you ask?"

"Well, I tried to call you, but you completely ignored me. It was like you were in some sort of trance."

"Oh, my bad. I was thinking about something deep. Must've gotten carried away. I promise that I'll try to be more aware." Allison said sincerely.

"Oh... okay. We'll aside from that you should get some food before these fatasses eat it all."

"Hey!" Manuel and Bryan said in unsion.

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