Chapter 13: We Need Answers

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Big Bear Lake, California 

Morrison Property Management Office



It was an hour after twelve o'clock when we all headed out. We all had one thing on our minds, it was something that needed to be found out, that can determine life or death. We need answers. There was a reason why we were targets. There is a reason why everything is connected... and there's only one way to find the truth. 

"Paola, are we close?"

"Yeah. It's just up the road. You're gonna see a shopping mall on the right side and then you make a left at the intersection. The office should be on your left." Paola explained. She was using her phone to find the property management office the whole car ride here.

"You sure it's the right place?" Manuel asked.

"It has to be. I looked up the company's website and found an address to one of their offices. They only have one office in the area, and it happens to be located right here in Big Bear."

"Good. This gives us the chance to find out what's really going on and figure out how to avoid this bullshit." Bryan said.

"One thing at a time, Bryan. We still don't know why these things choose us and why we we're the only ones targeted for the attack. The whole point of going to this office, is to make the connections and see if they're true."

"We can find that out right now. The office is over there." Fernando pointed towards three-story building that rose above the shopping mall. Also, if it wasn't that obvious, it had the Morrison Logo plastered in-front of the building. 

"Alright, let's get some answers."

I made a left turn and entered the parking lot where the office was located. Once I parked the car, everybody got out and made there way towards the front door. Staying behind, I went into my bag and pulled out a bottle of water and some painkillers. We're about to enter a office of the people who might have something to do with our friends getting killed. If this is happening, I don't want to deal with any pain while I'm in there. 

Taking out two pills, I took a breath, popped them in my mouth and washed them down with the water. Fuck... I hate taking pills.

"You okay?" Turning my head, I saw Paola looking at me, with a concerned look in her eyes.

"Yeah, it's just the pain, you know? It's the only way to calm it down." 

"Well, don't worry about it. The only one that should be feeling pain, are the people inside."

"Hey, we don't know that. For all we know, they probably have no idea what those things are either, so we can't just accuse them right off the bat." 

Paola shrugged her shoulders.

"Everyone's innocent until proven guilty... right?" She turned around and walked into the building, leaving my behind. What's up with her? I know she was scared about nearly losing me, but now she's mad with these people. Something tells me things aren't gonna end well...

I put my stuff away and walked into the building. Once I got inside, I was amazed at the sight of the waiting room. It was pretty spacious and had a lot paintings all over the room. For a place that rent out lodges and houses to the community, they have a pretty nice setup. The squad had already found some seats in the back, so I decided to head up-front and ask some questions of my own.

At the front of the room was a receptionist that was busy, typing on her computer.

"Excuse me? I'm looking for the owner of the business. I heard s--"

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