Chapter 22: Into the Lion's Den

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Big Bear Lake, California




We're doing this. We're actually doing this. We're doing something that can save thousands of lives and avenge the ones that were taken from us. Everyone here knows what needs to be done. We need to end this. 

We were traveling through the dark forest, heading towards the abandoned mine shaft, home of the parasites. Manuel was leading the way, giving us directions on how to get there. Since he's seen these place up close, he's our best bet on finding this place. Everyone is alert of there surroundings. We weren't taking any chances when fighting these creatures. They could be lurking anywhere, waiting for us to make a mistake and strike when we least expect it. However, of they do come... we're ready for them.

I was wearing a backpack filled with C4 charges, a holster with a loaded gun, a flashlight, and my knife. Yeah, I came prepared. I wasn't only one. Everyone had a gun and everyone knew the plan. If this doesn't work... then...

"Are we close, Manuel?" Bryan asked. Manuel turned around and faced the group.

"Yeah, we're not that far. Should be a couple more steps and we'll be at the entrance." 

"Alright. This is pretty far for a place that's abandoned in the middle of a forest."

"It maybe far, but it seemed close. Those things attacked us a lot and you would think there hideout would be closer." Paola said.

"True, but if that was the case, they'd already be at our doorstep with the whole army." I chimed in.

"Well, we're not letting that happen. We're taking the fight to them." Sheriff Johnson said confidently. I nodded my head and charged on. 

As we continued walking in the forest, the conversations started to die down as we got closer. The terrain changed from solid dirt to rocky gravel... we were getting closer. I put my hand on my gun and gripped it tightly.

"You good, sis?" Paola asked. I looked down at her and shrugged my shoulders.   

"Kinda. I'm thinking about a lot of stuff right now."

"Like what?"

"The plan mostly, but also... everyone. I'm worried something's gonna go bad, you know? There's a million things that can go wrong. The C4 might not work, the mine shaft might be empty, or the army could be bigger than thought. Paola, anything can go wrong."

"Dana, stop thinking like that!" Paola whispered out as she grabbed my arm. We slowed down a bit, creating distance from the group.

"You need to calm down. Yes, things can go wrong, but thinking about it can make things worse. We should be focused on getting the job done, not worrying about the 'what ifs'. Everyone here knows the risks, but there still here and ready to face whatever comes next." 

I took a deep breath and nodded my head.

"You're right. You're absolutely right." Paola grabbed my hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Don't worry, we'll get through this." Paola said. She started to walk away and held onto her hand, holding her back.

"Hold up..." She turned around and looked back at me.

"Yeah?" I pulled her close and placed my hands on both of her shoulders.

"If... If anything happens to me; if I get hurt or I can't make it out... you have to leave me."

"Dana, don't--"

"No, listen!" I said abruptly.

"Whatever happens in there, you have to promise me that if I go down, you have to keep going. This has to end and we can't let anything stop us from finishing this... not even saving me. So, please, Paola... promise me."

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