Chapter 6: Calm Before the Storm

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Big Bear Lake, California

Cranberry Lodge

Late Afternoon


The day had nearly come to an end as the sun was setting and everybody was about to turn in for the most. However, this wasn't a good day for me, today has been complete trash. There's many reasons why it was complete trash, but the main reason is because my girlfriend thinks it's okay to lie to me.

She really thinks I'm dumb, saying that her phone wasn't charged when I know that she always charges her phone every night. Not only that, she's now best buds with Allison! I'm not a genius or anything, but weren't those two angry at each other a couple days ago and couldn't stand each other when one them was in the room with the other? I have no idea what's going on, but all I know is that I'm just gonna relax, get some food, and chill with the squad... if only that were possible.

I was at the kitchen table with Jackie, eating some tacos that Fernando made for dinner. Most the squad was watching T.V., put on some sort of Anime that they really liked. Meanwhile, I'm trying to eat my food and Jackie can't stop touching me! She keeps on rubbing my shoulders, touching my thigh, and kissing my neck. However, I just ignored her the entire time since I was pissed off.

"Babe, what's wrong? Why aren't you paying attention to me?"

I didn't reply and just took a bite of my taco.

"Really, you're not gonna say anything?"

Jackie started to rub my arm, but I swatted it away. She looked with a raised brow and shook her head.

"Wow... so were playing the quiet game now?" Jackie asked. Still ignoring her, I reached for my soda and took a sip. However, Jackie looked at me with a smirk and started to whisper in my ear.

"C'mon Bryan. You know you can't ignore me forever." Jackie said in a flirty tone.

She put her hand on my thigh and moved it lower towards my crotch. Without a second thought, she grabbed it! I choked on my soda, nearly spitting it out! I looked at her, eyes wide as she looked back at me while biting her lip and smiling.

"Are you serious?! I could've chocked and died."

"I wanna to choke on something else." Jackie said. Wow, she has no chill. She's really being this flirty when the whole group is sitting a few feet away from us. Oh. My. God.

"Jesus, is that all you think about. You should be thinking about charging your phone or actually answering it next time."

"Babe, it was a simple mistake. I just caught up with Allison and tried to apologize for being rude. I mean, you said I had to be friends with your squad and I thought apologizing to her was a good start."

"True, but it's not like you to leave your phone uncharged. You always charge it every night before you got to sleep."

"Bryan, it was a simple mistake. It won't happen again, I promise. Can't you forgive me? Please?" Jackie said as she looked at with a fake sad face. I let out a sarcastic breath and shook my head.

"I'll think about it?" I got up from my seat, grabbed my plate, and headed to the sink. I put my plate in the sink and started wash it, but I felt something start to run by shoulders. I let out a frustrated breath as Jackie started to massage my back and shoulders as she pressed her body to mine.

"How about I show you how sorry I am. Would that make you forgive me?" Jackie said seductively as she moved her hands lower towards my pants. I don't know what's worse, that I'm trying so hard to ignore Jackie or that she's making it so hard to say no. Also, guessing by her tone and the way she's touching me... their's only thing on her mind. This is why women have all the power and men can't stand up to them and I'm one of those guys that makes them powerful... goddammit.

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