Chapter 24: Last Stand

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Big Bear Lake, California

Morrison Mine Shaft

Late Night


It's now a race to the finish!

We just barely escaped death by the skin of our teeth and now, we're on the run, trying to make our grand escape! Hurt by stable, I was able to hobble as fast as I could down the tunnel with the group. We weren't at 100%, but we had to keep going if we wanted to survive. Paola had a huge gash on her right arm, her blood rushed from her it, but she was able to push on. Bryan and Manuel were carrying Johnson through the tunnel. He was suffering the most, his leg was practically torn open and hung loosely like paper in the wind! At this point, I don't know if we can save his leg... but we can try.

"We're almost there! It's not that far!" Manuel yelled out.

"I hope you right, man. I'm not sure how long we have until those fuckers bust through that wall!" Bryan said as he looked at the tunnel behind us.

"Don't worry about that! We'll be long gone before they catch us! Let's just focus on getting out of here!" Paola added.

As we continued to run for our lives, I started to think about what's going on. Sure, we were able to escape the parasites, but what's gonna stop them from coming after us. There could be more in the tunnels, waiting for us for show up, so they can attack. Not only that, but we made a promise to destroy this mine no matter the cost. We have to finish the job!

"No, we can't do that."

Everyone looked at me with confused expressions about what I said, but I ignored it. I quickly walked over to Paola and took off the backpack from her back and put it on mine.

"Dana, what the hell are you doing?" Paola asked anxiously.

"Fixing the problem." I reached for my gun and unloaded it, checking to see how much ammo I have left. It wasn't much, about seven bullets left, but it was all I got."

"You guys need to get out of here. Those things are gonna break through the rubble and come after us with everything they've got. I'll buy you guys some time. I'm gonna set the last of the charges and hold them off for as long as I can while you guys escape."

"Uh-uh, no fuckin' way! You're not doing this, Dana! We have the advantage right now. We can get out of here and leave all the bullshit behind us. Going back in there... is suicide! You won't make it out." Bryan said.

"He's right! If you go back, you'll die!" Manuel chimed out. I shook my head and let out a breath.

"I know... but it's something I have to do. I'm the reason all this shit happened in the first place. I brought you guys here and now look at us. Most of us are either dead, on the verge of death, or becoming something evil, someone has to make this right and end this once for all! You guys have to make it out! You can try to talk me out if, but you'll just waste your breath. I've already made my decision."

I was serious. Dead serious. This has to end. One way or another. To many have died... and I don't want to lose anymore people. Everyone looked at me with concern in there faces. Through there looks, I can see their eyes get red with emotion as they held back the tears. I kept mine back, but... it... it was hard. Bryan wiped his eyes and took a shaky breath.

"Well... if... if your gonna go back, you'll need this."

Bryan unloads his gun and gives me the magazine. I grabbed it and put it in my back pocket. In a rush, Bryan wrapped his arms around me and hugged me tightly. I hugged him back, squeezing his torso. I nearly let out a cry, but I held it in. After a couple of seconds, he let go and wiped the tears from his face.

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