Chapter 19: Clearing the Air

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Big Bear Lake, California

Cranberry Lodge 

Late Night


Well, we escaped another attack from our monstrous friends... again. At least this time, we actually fought back and felt good about it. Dana's plan to blow up the gas station with all those bastards in it was really smart, genius actually, because if not for her, we'd be dead right now. Also, thanks to her;  Allison, Jackie, and Fernando... are all dead. Gone. Forgotten. Never to be seen again. Hell... that's not even the worse part! Of all the people to be mad at... it had to be him. All this time... all this time, he's been hiding this secret from us! Was he one of them from the start? Was he involved in Fernando's death? Why? WHY IS THIS HAPPENING?! 

I don't know, but I' not gonna let this shit pass by...

I drove back to the lodge pretty fast, avoiding the freaks as much as I can, thankfully, they weren't able to catch up. Everyone in the truck were quiet on the way back. I guess no one wanted to discuss what happened, or maybe they were focused on what happens next. I don't know what's on their minds, but I know what's on mind. 

After all the driving, we finally made it back to the remains of the lodge. I parked the truck in the front and turned off the engine. Manuel patted my shoulder and looked at me with a sincere look in his eyes.

"Nice driving, bro." Manuel said. I didn't say a word, instead, I just nodded my head and got out of the truck. I've got a lot of things to say, but I have to wait for the right moment.

I went to the back and saw Lia, Dana, and Paola, helping Sheriff Johnson get out of the truck. He was still covered in blood and that wound on his torso doesn't look so good. He started to groan in pain as he moved closer to the end of the trunk, so I put his arm over my shoulder and helped him out. Once he was out, we all helped him get to the door... well, the big ass hole, and into the lodge.

"Ugh!" Sheriff Johnson groaned excessively. 

"Don't worry. We're almost there, just hold on." Dana said reassuringly. She looked around and pointed towards the floor.

"Set him down over there, I'll clear the area." She moved all our bags out of the way, making space for Johnson to lie down on the floor. Johnson pointed at the dead body that we killed earlier, damn, I forgot that was still there.

"Is that the..."

"The big ass monster that we tried to tell you about, but you didn't want to listen to us... yeah, that's the one." 

"Jesus Christ. It looks horrible. What did you to it?" Lia asked.

"Well, a bottle of Jack Daniels, a torn shirt, and fire really comes in handy, you know?" Manuel chimed in. 

"God, this night gets crazier by the second."

Being very gentle, we set him down and watched over him. Johnson held his hand over his torso, where he was cut pretty deep. The blood seeped over his hand and onto the floor. Even though he was pain, he was alive... unlike...

"Rrrrrr, this hurts like hell." Johnson said.

"I know it does. We need to clean his wound, bandage it, and get him to the hospital. He won't make it here!" Lia added. She placed her hands over the cut, applying pressure to it. 

"There should be a medical kit in my suitcase. I'll go grab it."

"I'll help you. You guys help Johnson." Dana asked as she walked over to the bags with Paola. I knelled by Lia and helped her apply pressure to the wound. 

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