|40| Pain of The Past

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I awoke in a sweat, finding myself in bed with Adarian laying sound alseep next to me.

"Oh, thank Goddess..." I breathe.

It was a dream. Bryce isn't really here and I wasn't about to get back together with him. I look over at my clock, noticing it's almost nine o'clock.

"Shit," I curse lowly, grabbing my phone.

I check for any missed calls or texts from Bryce but there are none. Wow, did he stand me up? I'm a bit offended even though I was having the best after sex nap of my life.

He wouldn't not give me a heads up if he wasn't going to show, would he? It's Bryce. I remind myself. He definitley would.

I call his line three times, each time being sent to voicemail. Nah, something feels off. My wolf is uneasy and that's letting me know that something isn't right.

I sit my phone on the dresser, finding some underwear, a hoodie, and a pair of jeans to throw on. I'm going to see what the hell is up. I fix my mess of a hair and then I'm ready to go. I pick up my phone and keys stuffing them both in my pocket.

I grab my car keys on the way out. The drive was quick; I made it to the Guard wing of the city in no time. It's where all of our allies are staying.

I enter the quiet pack house, immediately sniffing out his scent. Mostly everyone is asleep but I notice a few night owls as I make my way through the house.

His scent leads me to the second corridor of the first floor. I find his room at the very end, the only room that's a greater distance away from all the other rooms. Why'd he choose the most secluded room on this floor?

I knock on the door. "Bryce?" I call out.

The anxiousness from my wolf making me fiddle with my hands as I wait for a response. I know he's here; I can feel his presence behind the door.

"Bryce?" I knock again after there is no answer.

I wait and hear...silence. I jerk the doorknob to find it locked. Luckily, I'm the alpha and have access to every building in this pack. Unless it's privately owned of course.

I take out my key card, holding it near the door. After a few seconds the green light flashes and the lock turns. I push the door open.

"Bryce, I know y-" I stop, noticing his slumped figure on the floor. Next to his hand lay an empty pill bottle.

I felt my entire world freeze at the scene before me.

"Oh, no." I practically fling myself across the room to his limp body. "Bryce, no, please!" I cry, frantically trying to find his pulse only to find it faint.

"Oh, Goddess what the hell did you do?" I whisper, tears clouding my eyes.

I may hate his guts at times but the thought of him dying isn't pleasing in the slightest. The thought alone is making me feel as if my chest is caving in.

I snatch out my cell phone, the object almost fumbling out of my hands due to how hard they are trembling. I dial the pack's emergency number.

"I need help at the east Guard pack house, there's been an overdose. This is an order from your alpha, send medics now!" I practically fling the phone away.

I grab the empty pill bottle, reading the print on the front of it. Antidepressants. They were prescribed to him.

Why? Why on earth is he taking those? More importantly, why did he try to kill himself with them?

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