|43| The Plan

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Get in. Get out.

Those words are the only four that I can use to summarize the strategy we came up with. I looked over it for what seemed like the thousandth time. In eight short hours we have to execute this plan—or be on our way to execute it.

Two soft knocks sound at my office door and my mother steps in. My eyes widen, surprised to see her.

"Are you here because I might die tomorrow?" I ask.

We haven't spoken since I revealed the news about Xavier. Never has my mom been so upset with me. Although I've tried to hide it, her disappointment hurt more than anyone else's.

She gives me a short-lived scowl before claiming a chair in front of my desk. "I've been very, very upset with you."

"Couldn't tell..." I say sarcastically.

"Jaxyl, I'm serious, and I'm sorry if me being distant has hurt you but understand how I felt. You don't hide things like that from me. I am your mother," she states firmly.

"Why?" she asks. "Why did you hide my grandchild? Why did you choose to go through that process alone?"

"Mom," I sigh. I don't want to get into this. "You know why. It was an embarrassing situation for me."

"That's no excuse," she frowns. "What a feeling it is to know that your daughter was pregnant but was too afraid and embarrassed to come to you about it. It made me feel horrible, like I've failed somewhere—"

"Mom," I cut her off. "You are perfect." I tell her. "Don't ever think that you failed. If anyone has failed it has been me."

"I'm truly sorry, okay. My actions were selfish and I should've confided in you," I apologize.

She stares at me before getting up to hug me. "Okay," she whispers, kissing me on my forehead. "I love you, honey. You always remember that." She points her finger at me.

"Please, be safe out there tomorrow. Get my grand-baby and come home with your grouchy father," she chuckles with shiny eyes.

I smile at her. "We will. I promise."

"Get some rest." She exits my office and I let out a breath, sitting the paper I've been overreading down.

I glance at the clock and notice the time—10:37 p.m. Every guard and official going on the mission tomorrow is supposed to be asleep now. I set the curfew for 9:00 p.m. so that everyone could be well rested, but here I am.

I shut the lights off to my office then head upstairs to my empty bed. Adarian is sleeping in the other room. How is it that we're fighting at a time like this?

I ordered him to stay his ass right here and not to turn himself in. He'd struggled to succumb to my demand, the confliction was littered all over his face. I'm surprised he didn't run off anyway.

I climb into my bed and go to sleep with tomorrow's day weighing heavy.

"You ready?" Tez pats my shoulder.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I reply. I give him a tight hug that takes him by surprise.

I pull back, amused by his appalled expression. "That was for?"

"Just incase you die before we get there," I say, making us chuckle. "I love you, Tez," I tell him seriously.

He smiles, leaning in to kiss me on the cheek. "I love you too, sis."

If this wasn't such a rare sentimental moment, I would've kicked his ass for doing that. I watch as he makes his way over to his family. I'd already said my good byes just moments earlier.

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