Chapter 1: Virgil

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Song: West coast smoker by Fall out boy

Tw: Tell me if I should any, most things are just implied for now

The bus window was cold enough to make chills go down his spine and yet he stayed put staring out as the naked trees went by and disappeared like his old life. It was autumn and he was sure that whatever was about to happen to him wasn't going to be good. At least not for him maybe for his parents. They must have been so happy to finally be rid of their 'troubled' son. What other reason could they have to force him to move miles and miles away from his hometown. He didn't have any friends there but it was better than going to a school full of people he didn't know. Definitely hadn't made him so anxious that he barely slept in a week. After...the incident which he immediately tried to shoo away from his mind. One thing he didn't want to think about was the panic and blood and quick goodbyes. After that his parents had decided to send him away to a school for troubled youth.

As the bus stopped he woke up from his half slumber and quickly jumped off the bus and ended up outside the gates in front of the school. The walls around the estate was just so high you couldn't jump over them. He wondered what kind of people they wanted to keep in so badly. After he'd gotten inside the tall grey walls of the house stared down at him like it was a cat and he was a small mouse. It looked cold and as he sighed before walking inside he discovered that it actually was cold.

The halls were empty which was expected since it was the middle of a Thursday. He had been sent away almost immediately after the incident or well after he got out of the hospital.

A man who must at least be in his mid thirties greeted him. He wore a bit to big cream colored cardigan with a white shirt and a pink tie under. He matched it with light brown pants and with his slightly combed back hair and glasses he made the new student's large black hoodie and ripped skinny jeans look sloppy.

"Virgil Coen right?" The presumably teacher asked to which he nodded shuly. "Good. You've joined at a very fine time, I'm sure you'll like it" He shot a kind smile to the other before continuing "Your classes and dorm is in the east part of the school, you don't have to worry about remembering the rest of the school. You will go with boys your age and it's a pretty small class, only 6 people excluding you. I'm Dr. Picani but please call me Emile"

"Are you my teacher?" Virge asked his head debating if a small class was good (less people to let down) or bad (bigger chance for 100% of the class to hate you).

"Oh no no no" He chuckled. ""I'm just the student counselor. My office is always open if you need to talk. Now Pat......" He stopped and looked around in bewilderment before mumbling "Now where is that boy" under his breath.

From a corridor a pretty short boy came forward. He sprinted towards them and stopped a bit behind Dr. Picani and waved at the shy boy with a big smile which showed off that he had a missing tooth in the middle of the upper part of his teeth.

The therapist whispered something inaudible to the boy and he said sorry before he turned back to Virgil and explained.

"This is Patton Bjork, he's one of your classmates and he's going to escort you to your classroom. Last time a student joined they got lost and we don't want that to happen again right?" The last part was directed towards the boy and he replied

"No Doc" He seemed pleased with the answer and said goodbye to them before walking away leaving them in an awkward situation. Patton had big round slightly rose tinted glasses and a big blue sweater and khaki shorts on. His hair was blond edging on light ginger and curly. Freckles we're all over his chubby face and trailed down his neck continuing all the way down on his legs and his smile was infectious Virge found myself smiling back at him.

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